January 2014
Watch Collection Box
Today - didn't do much. My Sunday is just gone that quick and easily! Hahaha.
One debrief for you.
Finally... collection box arrived to become part of interior and home decoration.

Now very organized and fancy!!!
Yes, the Box can store up to 10 watches.
And already full???
Well, my (watch) winder has the capacity for 5. That is empty when I filled this box like that.
Means still 5 spots open.
Then it REALLY means that I can buy another 5 watches!
I must be gone crazy... Hahaha

Not just buying further... I need new belt for this antique Omega soon.
This brown belt is worn out already... after going through several summers.
Not brown next time... I am thinking to put GREEN belt... do you agree?

I even changed the top picture of my iPad mini like that... photo from the collection box. Cool!!!
One debrief for you.
Finally... collection box arrived to become part of interior and home decoration.

Now very organized and fancy!!!
Yes, the Box can store up to 10 watches.
And already full???
Well, my (watch) winder has the capacity for 5. That is empty when I filled this box like that.
Means still 5 spots open.
Then it REALLY means that I can buy another 5 watches!
I must be gone crazy... Hahaha

Not just buying further... I need new belt for this antique Omega soon.
This brown belt is worn out already... after going through several summers.
Not brown next time... I am thinking to put GREEN belt... do you agree?

I even changed the top picture of my iPad mini like that... photo from the collection box. Cool!!!
Difficulty - Diet Continuation
Monthly event - for family gathering, drove down to Chiba in the morning.
Later than planned... well, I was LATE.
Leaving the house late and driving Alfa Romeo into mildly-congested traffic. Hahaha. True, though.
Overall, MoonFlower and I arrived her mother's place one and a half hour later!
Typical? We're always slow and not punctual???
Anyway, went to cemetery for prayer. Of course, we cleaned that place up right before.
Then made a stop-by at Italian restaurant for lunch.

Very fresh salad... MUST for me to eat before anything else for each meal.

Pasta as entree. Too much garlic... which I usually stay away... but didn't today.
Too much carbohydrate. Yeah, I should be careful about this, shouldn't I?

Maybe this post is not making sense too much. Let me explain.
After meal, we went DIY shop for shopping.
For laundry hanger - price w/o tax is 815 yen or about 8 dollars.
With tax 5% (current until end of March), 855 yen
With tax 8 % (April and beyond), 880 yen
Yeah, Japan is facing the consumption tax increase from 5 to 8% by 3%.
Big impact, huh.
Now driving housewives crazy about what to buy before to save more. Big problem.
On top of that, we look at another increase by 2% within 2 years!!!
Are we sure that Japan's economy --- growth currently perceived is really sustainable?
I doubt about it.

Another carbohydrate for supper! Too much? Or just right?
Well, at least I walked the dog for energy consumption.

Main dish was crab!!!
Another year-end celebration were just around the corner!!!
Good stuff.
I will slow down a bit tomorrow for sure.
Later than planned... well, I was LATE.
Leaving the house late and driving Alfa Romeo into mildly-congested traffic. Hahaha. True, though.
Overall, MoonFlower and I arrived her mother's place one and a half hour later!
Typical? We're always slow and not punctual???
Anyway, went to cemetery for prayer. Of course, we cleaned that place up right before.
Then made a stop-by at Italian restaurant for lunch.

Very fresh salad... MUST for me to eat before anything else for each meal.

Pasta as entree. Too much garlic... which I usually stay away... but didn't today.
Too much carbohydrate. Yeah, I should be careful about this, shouldn't I?

Maybe this post is not making sense too much. Let me explain.
After meal, we went DIY shop for shopping.
For laundry hanger - price w/o tax is 815 yen or about 8 dollars.
With tax 5% (current until end of March), 855 yen
With tax 8 % (April and beyond), 880 yen
Yeah, Japan is facing the consumption tax increase from 5 to 8% by 3%.
Big impact, huh.
Now driving housewives crazy about what to buy before to save more. Big problem.
On top of that, we look at another increase by 2% within 2 years!!!
Are we sure that Japan's economy --- growth currently perceived is really sustainable?
I doubt about it.

Another carbohydrate for supper! Too much? Or just right?
Well, at least I walked the dog for energy consumption.

Main dish was crab!!!
Another year-end celebration were just around the corner!!!
Good stuff.
I will slow down a bit tomorrow for sure.
Still New Year Party?
I was late to meet friends after work!!!
Work got delayed... due to prolonged meeting with client.
Whose fault is it???
Anyway, my destination for the night was Asakusa - popular sightseeing place for foreigners.

Very Japanese place... small but cozy?

Famous Kama Meshi food

Big bowl of steamed rice.

Who came?
Tetsu and Yoshio - friends who is ex-coworkers... we used to work together!
So you can easily imagine that the talk was quite endless and too many topics to be covered only today.
Gotta be another chance... and will be so for sure.

Perfect shooting moment... on the way back to the Asakusa Station.
Not really sober... (probably not at all!) - picture turned out to be okay... not shaken too much. Hahaha.
Cool, huh!
Now weekend quietly begins. Tranquility.
Work got delayed... due to prolonged meeting with client.
Whose fault is it???
Anyway, my destination for the night was Asakusa - popular sightseeing place for foreigners.

Very Japanese place... small but cozy?

Famous Kama Meshi food

Big bowl of steamed rice.

Who came?
Tetsu and Yoshio - friends who is ex-coworkers... we used to work together!
So you can easily imagine that the talk was quite endless and too many topics to be covered only today.
Gotta be another chance... and will be so for sure.

Perfect shooting moment... on the way back to the Asakusa Station.
Not really sober... (probably not at all!) - picture turned out to be okay... not shaken too much. Hahaha.
Cool, huh!
Now weekend quietly begins. Tranquility.
New English Vocabulary Found within Work
22, 01 14, 18:37 Category Work
I usually use the word SPREE when meaning holding a party with drinks.
It came to me with new vocabulary when I received a meeting invitation.
The word was "debauchery."
Totally new to me. Never heard. Never seen. Even never used. Hahaha.
That meeting invitation was sent by German colleague at project work place.
According to her, this word is used a lot.
Really? Good to know.
SPREE seems to be used for verbal.
DEBAUCHERY is both verbal and written. Cool.
From now on, I have more than one word to describe things like fun with drinks!
Work was quite productive, at least today! Hahaha.
Big change management meeting with executives took place and it went well.
Reaction from those was within our assumption and we confirmed that we could move forward!
Good stuff!

Gundam (plastic) model - still not built yet.
When did I buy this? Back in August!!! Oh my god!
Yeah, I promise that I will do that within the month!
It came to me with new vocabulary when I received a meeting invitation.
The word was "debauchery."
Totally new to me. Never heard. Never seen. Even never used. Hahaha.
That meeting invitation was sent by German colleague at project work place.
According to her, this word is used a lot.
Really? Good to know.
SPREE seems to be used for verbal.
DEBAUCHERY is both verbal and written. Cool.
From now on, I have more than one word to describe things like fun with drinks!
Work was quite productive, at least today! Hahaha.
Big change management meeting with executives took place and it went well.
Reaction from those was within our assumption and we confirmed that we could move forward!
Good stuff!

Gundam (plastic) model - still not built yet.
When did I buy this? Back in August!!! Oh my god!
Yeah, I promise that I will do that within the month!
While New Watches coming out at SIHH2014
Still Tuesday night? Gotta be kidding!
It seems to be already like Thursday night… I wish!!!
Lots of hectic issues around… I have to set whole new processes of some business activities.
Many people are to be involved and I have to clarify how that flow should go with good reason / logics.
Sounds like consulting work, doesn’t it? It surely is.

Why I have such photos? They are being sent to me with simple question:
Which dial (face) is better?
It was from a friend of mine. He’s wondering which one he really should go for it.
Interesting question. Does my opinion matter? Hahaha. Probably not.
He should have known the own answer, already. Just wanted to validate his choice then.
That is my wild guess, anyway.
Though, I vote for white dial in this case.
Black seems a bit more elegance than the other and he wants to put it on even while he is away from the business.
Yeah, I bet that white is better off in this case.
What kind of watch is this? Good question.
It is Jaeger-Lecoultre. Big watch brand it is!
The model is called Reverso. Fancy watch!
Actually another friend of mine does own this and it is white dial. Cool stuff.
Hmm, two friends of mine will have same watch over their wrists soon?
Gosh, I cannot be behind! I should go for it? Probably not. Hahaha.
Well, will see how soon he can make up his mind for next watch…
And he really goes for Jaeger-Lecoultre or changes his mind at last minute…
I bet that he won’t change the watch… but would take more time than anticipated.
Part of this shopping process is the momentum, right?
He’d better enjoy as much!

I have gone through that with so much pleasure!

SIHH2014 Begins!
20, 01 14, 18:17
Just finished Monday… 1st working day of the week.
Am already tired! Hahaha.
SIHH 2014 is now open… HUGE luxury watch event!!!
If you know of this, you must be a big watch lover.
Cannot wait to see what kind of new watches are going to be unveiled!
Before going to work this morning, I surely didn't for get one thing…

Refill the ink to my pens!
Just two in the photo… but did refill three.
You may think that this is boring to do… actually it is not.
It is a part of process! I enjoy doing this.
Owning many fountain pens… this is a CEREMONY!
Now my pens have full of energies supporting my consulting work!
Yes, I take lots of memo… with pleasure in writing!
Do you have any favorite pen or any writing instrument???
Watch… pen… what else for me?
Am already tired! Hahaha.
SIHH 2014 is now open… HUGE luxury watch event!!!
If you know of this, you must be a big watch lover.
Cannot wait to see what kind of new watches are going to be unveiled!
Before going to work this morning, I surely didn't for get one thing…

Refill the ink to my pens!
Just two in the photo… but did refill three.
You may think that this is boring to do… actually it is not.
It is a part of process! I enjoy doing this.
Owning many fountain pens… this is a CEREMONY!
Now my pens have full of energies supporting my consulting work!
Yes, I take lots of memo… with pleasure in writing!
Do you have any favorite pen or any writing instrument???
Watch… pen… what else for me?
Exhibit Patek Philippe
19, 01 14, 18:22 Category Photo
Went out… by car today.
Yeah, too cold outside… didn't want to walk to the station. Hahaha.
Drove down to Jingu Gyoen for some exhibit.
Patek Philippe - famous watch brand

Tons of visitors… WAY more than expected!!!
Didn't know that there were that many watch lovers out there.

Big VIP tent was set up next to the building.
Of course, I am NOT even invited inside. Hahaha.
Maybe in future? NEVER for sure.

Huge collection of Patek was there…
Lots of historic facts and episode come along.
Same as jewelry… many man in power wanted to have some luxury watch… representing him and his power.
Unbelievably great technology was already being available…
Plus such huge complication was in tiny case…
Worth to see it for sure.
Just too many people… not allowing anyone to see all, thoroughly.
Too many people… made me think that they were all watch collectors and fans???
Yeah, too cold outside… didn't want to walk to the station. Hahaha.
Drove down to Jingu Gyoen for some exhibit.
Patek Philippe - famous watch brand

Tons of visitors… WAY more than expected!!!
Didn't know that there were that many watch lovers out there.

Big VIP tent was set up next to the building.
Of course, I am NOT even invited inside. Hahaha.
Maybe in future? NEVER for sure.

Huge collection of Patek was there…
Lots of historic facts and episode come along.
Same as jewelry… many man in power wanted to have some luxury watch… representing him and his power.
Unbelievably great technology was already being available…
Plus such huge complication was in tiny case…
Worth to see it for sure.
Just too many people… not allowing anyone to see all, thoroughly.
Too many people… made me think that they were all watch collectors and fans???
New Year Party!
This morning, MoonFlower insisted that we should walk as exercise.
Taking that into the account, we decided to have late breakfast, better call it brunch, at cafe.
Previously, we went that place once and bought breads.
MF really liked those and made her mind about going in to cafe next time.
Walked about 20 minutes or so.
Measured the distance on Google Maps and found it 1.5 kilometers.
Not bad walk, I guess. Though, not that much of exercise. Hahaha.

Pretty fancy interior.

Better remove those shelves so that clear view through the window...

With 1,200 yen it was good pot‐au‐feu or soup with vegetables.
Good taste. Loved it.
Varieties of breads also came along. Plus, small dessert and coffee.
Cannot find solid fact how come this cafe has no customers at noon.
MoonFlower and I were only customers in the cafe then.
This place is not going to be open for long time hereafter?
We made visit twice and no other customers… never seen other customers!
Will visit one more time to see.
Good food in nice atmosphere… can be very popular place!
Late afternoon, our new year party kicked off!
7 of us got together to celebrate…
Could be more of us… too bad that those who missed. Maybe next time.

After eating lots of foods, calory consumption was mandatory and we went in to Karaoke.
Taking that into the account, we decided to have late breakfast, better call it brunch, at cafe.
Previously, we went that place once and bought breads.
MF really liked those and made her mind about going in to cafe next time.
Walked about 20 minutes or so.
Measured the distance on Google Maps and found it 1.5 kilometers.
Not bad walk, I guess. Though, not that much of exercise. Hahaha.

Pretty fancy interior.

Better remove those shelves so that clear view through the window...

With 1,200 yen it was good pot‐au‐feu or soup with vegetables.
Good taste. Loved it.
Varieties of breads also came along. Plus, small dessert and coffee.
Cannot find solid fact how come this cafe has no customers at noon.
MoonFlower and I were only customers in the cafe then.
This place is not going to be open for long time hereafter?
We made visit twice and no other customers… never seen other customers!
Will visit one more time to see.
Good food in nice atmosphere… can be very popular place!
Late afternoon, our new year party kicked off!
7 of us got together to celebrate…
Could be more of us… too bad that those who missed. Maybe next time.

After eating lots of foods, calory consumption was mandatory and we went in to Karaoke.
Italian Restaurant
17, 01 14, 18:58 Category Photo
It was Italian for Friday dinner with my wife.

Interesting decoration with corks like this!
Very entertaining.
2 glasses of wine - happened to be both red.
Good chose I made!!! It was good match with food as well.

Interesting decoration with corks like this!
Very entertaining.
2 glasses of wine - happened to be both red.
Good chose I made!!! It was good match with food as well.
Aeon Mall Makuhari Shintoshin
13, 01 14, 18:24 Category Photo
Went to new mall called AEON MALL Makuhari Shintoshin.
This could be one of the largest malls in the country.
Plus, brand new… just opened last month.
No wonder that there was a huge crowd in the mall!

Went in this Denish interior store.
Had to line for 10-15 minutes.
MoonFlower didn't mind and insisted that she wanted to check it out.
No objection from my end...

Sweets picked up at this store.
Good varieties and I love such kind.
Taste was actually good. Better than expected.

From Denish store, MF picked up this candle stand.
So we lighted a candle in it.
Not bad…
Long weekend is now ending…
Yeah already!
Too bad!
This could be one of the largest malls in the country.
Plus, brand new… just opened last month.
No wonder that there was a huge crowd in the mall!

Went in this Denish interior store.
Had to line for 10-15 minutes.
MoonFlower didn't mind and insisted that she wanted to check it out.
No objection from my end...

Sweets picked up at this store.
Good varieties and I love such kind.
Taste was actually good. Better than expected.

From Denish store, MF picked up this candle stand.
So we lighted a candle in it.
Not bad…
Long weekend is now ending…
Yeah already!
Too bad!