Japan's Golden Week is over...
08, 08 May, 2016

Cafe Noa in Tateishi, Tokyo
27, 27 February, 2016
Saturday has come! This is just a day before departure to Germany.
Busy morning it was since MoonFlower reserved seats for two of us at cafe located in Tateishi.
We had to rush into dry cleaning for drop-off first and quickly bounded for the cafe.

Destination was Cafe Noa - I came here before. Actually it was for my birthday sweets last year.
Now this place is even more popular and all tables were full with customers.
Somehow, almost all customers are alone and female.
Another common thing found was that they do bring mirrorless camera and take lots of pictures. More than I do.
They must upload to their own blog or Instagram…
While, I stick to my iPhone camera… no wonder that the number of visitors to my website doesn't go up much. Hahaha.

After waiting 1 hour or even longer… since cafe owner runs everything by herself…
Though, great things come after.

Crape was the best for the day. I really loved it. MF made a great choice from the menu. She knows so much about this place, already.

My final was even sweeter and bigger.
Since finishing medical check-up, I am free to eat anything… means that I gain some already? I should be careful.

After long afternoon nap, supper came with wine.
Selection was of Italian bottle. Red. Toscana.

Another long night with finishing the bottle.
Of course, my packing was already completed for tomorrow. Rate, huh.
I usually start packing at midnight…
I have to leave home around 9am for airport.
Flight was a little after noon.
Hope it wouldn't be too cold in Germany. Will see.
Busy morning it was since MoonFlower reserved seats for two of us at cafe located in Tateishi.
We had to rush into dry cleaning for drop-off first and quickly bounded for the cafe.

Destination was Cafe Noa - I came here before. Actually it was for my birthday sweets last year.
Now this place is even more popular and all tables were full with customers.
Somehow, almost all customers are alone and female.
Another common thing found was that they do bring mirrorless camera and take lots of pictures. More than I do.
They must upload to their own blog or Instagram…
While, I stick to my iPhone camera… no wonder that the number of visitors to my website doesn't go up much. Hahaha.

After waiting 1 hour or even longer… since cafe owner runs everything by herself…
Though, great things come after.

Crape was the best for the day. I really loved it. MF made a great choice from the menu. She knows so much about this place, already.

My final was even sweeter and bigger.
Since finishing medical check-up, I am free to eat anything… means that I gain some already? I should be careful.

After long afternoon nap, supper came with wine.
Selection was of Italian bottle. Red. Toscana.

Another long night with finishing the bottle.
Of course, my packing was already completed for tomorrow. Rate, huh.
I usually start packing at midnight…
I have to leave home around 9am for airport.
Flight was a little after noon.
Hope it wouldn't be too cold in Germany. Will see.