
Chiba Tour Weekend

Waited in the line for 2 hours for Xibei Ramen

It was HER idea.
MoonFlower mentioned to "challenge" going into Xebec Ramen shop in Suitengu area.
So after work, we walked up to that place and surprised by such a long waiting line outside the shop.

Probably 30-ish people lined before us.
Fortunately, only two groups of customer after us got "allowed" to line.
After that, all coming customers are sorry - not for today.

So many people then had to give up.
What a popular place it is.
Plus, this shop is going to close the business at the end of Month.

How come? Business is good, right?
According to the master, main business, other than this, is every busier.
So he has to give up on this ramen business.

Too bad.

After 2 hours waiting outside, finally went in.

Famous noodle with no soup.

Fried Tofu… still soft inside

Ramen with tons of Koreander

2 hours of waiting was definitely PAID OFF. Worth waiting for sure.
Another week or so for business to continue, we should try once more?
Will see.

MoonFlower's BD "Sushi" Dinner

No Longer Rotate...

Patek Phillip Exhibition Tokyo 2023

Fun Theater and Big Meal...

Turned to be BIG 50!

Sushi Celebration!

My birthday dinner for age 50 came a bit earlier…

Time Spend Wisely?

Full of Sushi!

Sushi Party!

Wanted to see something else… but that movie was sold out.
I guess, I made my move quite late at wrong timing.. I gave up on that movie today.
Maybe tomorrow. It is a Japanese movie open this weekend.

Instead, came to watch *Quantumania."
Yeah, Marvel movie it is.

"Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania"

Not quite big fan of Ant-man so far.
Thus, there was no high expectations.
That turned out to create different image.

Actually, Ant-man is interesting character and figure. Very unique.
It is actually more than becoming smaller or bigger.
Now I truly got the value of Ant-man entertainment.

Big SUSHI Party with MoonFlower.
First visit to the Sushi Bar located in our neighborhood.
Never had a chance to come in for a long time.

Today, I show you EVERYTHING… yeah, literally everything we ate tonight.

Alcohol… starting with beer followed by all SAKE

MoonFlower ordered more than usual for sure.
I joined her so I had more drinks than I could normally drink.
It means that I was drunk after all!

Now all cooked foods served.
Followed by SUSHI

Man, I ate them all. I did.
So did MoonFlower.
No complaints with full stomach.

Maybe our diet and tight budget management start tomorrow on.
You know what I mean. Hahaha.

DPKO - Domestic Peace Keeping Ops

Pizza Party!!!

Movie day - I saw "The Legend & Butterfly."
This is 6th movie to watch in theatre in 2023 so far.

It was Japanese samurai movie… love story.

Starring Takuya Kimura and Haruka Ayase.

Small gift came upon the entry…
Three small envelop for cash gift has some sweet drawings related to the movie.

Family dinner took place at pizzeria.


Chaykin (watch) shows smile on great food! Hahaha.

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MoonFlower and I became full instantly after completing two small pizzas.
I used to be able to eat up much and much more…
Am sure of that! Hahaha.

Time for hitting the sacks.
Night night.

Tateishi Rendezvous

Weekend is finally here…
Leaving all job tasks incomplete, I rushed into Tateishi Station.
That is where tons of old-styled Japanese taverns concentrated.

Surely, 1st time in such a long time. Say 10 years or even longer.

Friend Tetsu and I got together for drinks tonight.
It was postponed from past Tuesday when he urgently had to go to Nagoya for work.
I guess, this rescheduling was rather perfect.

After trying to go in at two different places where taverns were packed and full,
we ended up at Mitsuwa for 1st stop.
This is one of "usual places" for Tetsu and he led me to order what to eat, etc.

It was cheap grilled-meats place and they were all good!!!

After "Mitsuwa," we went in to the oden place.
Oden is vegetables, fish dumplings and various other articles of food stewed in a thin soy soup, and served hot.

Very authentic Japanese tavern. Yeah quite typical.

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Another Tetsu's usual place and he knew what to order for me again.


Oyster bowl

Tetsu and me… definitely drunk already. Hahaha.

What to talk about? Various. Work, fashion, watch, money, family, health, etc.
Usual stuff, right?

We worked together such a long time ago.
Worked together over several years in Tokyo…
Back in 2000-2003… still felt like yesterday.

Deep Fried Pork Dish for Lunch

Very cold tonight!
It is below-zero degree Celsius.
Tomorrow it could be worse?

Working from home all day today.

Worked on some proposal and estimate for entire mooning.
Deadline was met and all required submitted. Will see how this would go.
For belated lunch, I showed up to a restaurant specialized in Tonkatsu or deep fried pork.

Deep fried pork with rice and miso soup
Turned out to be a big lunch and surely made me full.

I wasn't that productive in the afternoon not because was full…

but because PC was so slow!
Ended up with BIOS update.
Took me a while to come to this phase.

Once updated, thing got back to normal.
So I caught it all up thereafter.

It would have been a nightmare if PC didn't even get back to normal condition to operate.

MoonFlower gave me a green light to turn AC on tonight. I mean heat is on.
Yeah, rare to do so…but too cold tonight.
Though, temperature setting was for 21.5 degrees Celsius.

It is about 70.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Seems too low However, it is not quite so. Rather, it is okay and comfortable somehow.

Hope we can survive through coming several days with cold by turning heat on.

Everyone, keep yourself warm!!!

Very Active Saturday

Made it early - it is Saturday.
Had to go to see this movie first.
Korean movie it is.

"Perfect Driver"

This is 5th movie to watch in this year. Quite high pace at this point.

No so common for me to see Korean movie.
Though, it was pretty good preview that I saw over several times.
Actress was from "Parasite."

Driving scene was not as good as ones from Hollywood, I guess.
Though, it was quite Korean story.
However, the end was rather clam. Not a surprise at the end at all. Hahaha.

Dan dan noodles became my lunch after disappointment that restaurant where I went to was closed today.
Well, turned out to be quite good alternative.

Stopped by coffee shop for after-lunch chilling.

"Unison Taylor Ningyocho" - 1st visit in this year

I thought that drink come out with mug… but did come along with paper cup.
Was my order for to-go?

I even got a massage for an hour, taking care of my stiff body!
Particularly, stiff neck which was my pain!
Pain seems to be gone after massage and would last for a while? Hope so.

Supper was a small drink dining with MoonFlower.

Yaki Tori (chicken) and Yaki Ton (pork) !!!

Be-lated Family Dinner for 2022 Year End

Made it early today. Yeah, quite rare. But did happen.
Simply because MoonFlower wanted to have breakfast at some cafe.

Here it is.

Went in to the place called "Bouquet."
Located near Higashi Nihombashi Station.
Somewhat walking distance from home. So walked in.

Usually crowded and even a waiting line outside.
Today, timing was right and got seated upon arrival.

Big smile from Chaykin. My usual and favorite.

My aim was this strawberry French toast.
This menu is brand new starting from today!
Yet limited quantity… but had one for me.

Yep, yum yum. Loved it.
Definitely worth getting up so early! Hahaha.

During the day, it was calm and stay-home watching TV and doing other stuff.
Though, MoonFlower and I went out once again at evening.
It was for a family dinner.

Actually, Our household's 2022 year-end family dinner which came quite late!

French dining at "Ginza Escoffier"
Indeed our first visit.
Seems authentic French diner.

Definitely, Champagne!!!

Probably, no description needed, right?
It was quite fancy dinner as just wanted.

Soon to come back for another dish?! Yeah!