
Busy Ikebukuro!

Today's destination was IKEBUKURO.

Obviously, too many people… very crowded.
Not fancy to me… not kind of my place for sure.
It was all for MoonFlower who wanted to come to this cafe:

Had to see all photos and autographs of Thai actor… her favorite.
I didn't have to come… just to accompany her to this place.
Even though she insisted, thoroughly.

At least she bought me a drink. Hahaha.



Finished our tour with good sweets!!!

Long day… but many things got done.
In Shinjuku, we even placed an order for rug to be placed in our living room.
New rug… and new sofa soon!!!

That is a dramatic change soon to be realized!

Deep Fried Pork Dish for Lunch

Very cold tonight!
It is below-zero degree Celsius.
Tomorrow it could be worse?

Working from home all day today.

Worked on some proposal and estimate for entire mooning.
Deadline was met and all required submitted. Will see how this would go.
For belated lunch, I showed up to a restaurant specialized in Tonkatsu or deep fried pork.

Deep fried pork with rice and miso soup
Turned out to be a big lunch and surely made me full.

I wasn't that productive in the afternoon not because was full…

but because PC was so slow!
Ended up with BIOS update.
Took me a while to come to this phase.

Once updated, thing got back to normal.
So I caught it all up thereafter.

It would have been a nightmare if PC didn't even get back to normal condition to operate.

MoonFlower gave me a green light to turn AC on tonight. I mean heat is on.
Yeah, rare to do so…but too cold tonight.
Though, temperature setting was for 21.5 degrees Celsius.

It is about 70.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Seems too low However, it is not quite so. Rather, it is okay and comfortable somehow.

Hope we can survive through coming several days with cold by turning heat on.

Everyone, keep yourself warm!!!

NOTICE: Domain Change

It has been quite while… using the domain ""

Now, the site has been relocated under ""

Finally decided to retain a new domain.
Some kind of refreshment / update. Hahaha.

In fact, domain registration has been expired and decided NOT to renew.
Wanting something new… you know what I mean.

Please update your bookmark now.

New Year - 2023!

Finally, new year has come… a happy new year!!!

This year's greeting card looks like this.
Yeah, Year of Rabbit… hope things happens in hopping way!

New year food called OSECHI.

First wearing of the year - definitely Chaykin watch for me.

Hope lots of smiles to come as my wish…
For me, my family, all people…