April 2018
Golden Week 2018: BBQ

20180430 バーベキュー #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
20180430 バーベキュー2 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Am I a foodie?
Mon, 23 April, 2018

Virtual World Good Enough?
It was interesting movie.

Am I under medication?

Flowers are quite healing…

Am I under medication?

Flowers are quite healing…
Ordinary day?
Thu, 19 April, 2018
Work as usual.

Eat as usual.

Eat as usual.
Piled-up work never get done
Wed, 18 April, 2018 Category Family

MoonFlower recommends this bag for me to buy…

I wish she would buy it for me. Though, I dream that in vain…
Mon, 16 April, 2018

Movie and Festival 2

Movie "The Post" is pretty well-done. I liked this kind of movie…
MoonFlower and I showed up in Aoyama for some festival.

Picked up some coffee beans and breads. Fun time it was.

Lots of bamboo shoots on dinner plate.
Business Trip to Nagao: Great Soba Place
New pocket chief

Neat pocket chief got me… it was a matter of second…
Cool design and look. I like it.

Travel Back and Joined Party
Business Triip to Gifu: Very Noisy Breakfast
Wed, 04 April, 2018 Category Travel

I usually want to take good breakfast in comfy space…
However, I faced quite busy place for breakfast. Very noisy.
Hmm, not good start of a business trip.
Will see how the rest of week would go from now on.
To Nagoya
April starts
Sun, 01 April, 2018 Category Ramen
Back in Tokyo from Chiba.
Ramen noodle or Tsukemen Noodle is my meal.

Ramen noodle or Tsukemen Noodle is my meal.