Great Restaurant Found

No reservation made in advance… but lucky enough to secure a table for two of us.
Korean BBQ was the dinner… last night.
Great… better than good for sure. This Korean BBQ is something more than expected.

Hmm, we'd better go back again soon (as possible).

Restaurant is located in Nihonbashi area… not too far from our place. Good deal!

Fantastic Sushi @ U Wo Toku (Uwotoku)

If you ever come to Japan just for eating sushi, you do not want to pass this place:

You can get to know the best sushi master ever. Pricey? Definitely worth it.

Nightmare: Shopping in Marunouchi

Did not have any exact plan for the day at all. Just like day before.
Though, MoonFlower came up single agenda that we go to Yurakucho to see some shop.
She wanted to buy some baked stuff like cookies. Yep, her usual stuff. No surprise whatsoever.

Thus, I am forced to follow her to the destination. Not too far from the apartment, though.

Shopping was rather quick and we didn't have to hurry as much she forced me to. Hahaha.
Then, we continued shopping in that area today.

While spending none for myself, I came to eat good stuff in the restaurant.
She still suffers in the pain from the dental surgery and had to pass alcohol.
For me, such thing never bothers.

Also great sweets in the late afternoon for us. Not bad at all.
Popular place made many people wait. She and I signed up and waited for about 40 minutes or so.
Waiting was indeed worth to do, though.

And these are what MoonFlower got from shopping at the Conran Shop.
I gave her green light for shopping. Though, didn't expect this quantity. Hahaha. Too late.
Anyway, those cutlery items look very cool. Good choice, I guess.

It means that MF has great taste??? Oh boy, that may induce such nightmares like I have to pay for pricey stuff.

Call me "Foodie"

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New or Old Santos?

New Santos look good… but still mine is also good.



Tons of breads… MoonFlower came back from "her activity" in the morning.
She is still seeking good bakery around… never stops.

For supper, MoonFlower and I searched around and came to a restaurant for the 1st time.


It was cheap gourmet Chinese.

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It was pretty good, actually.
We definitely come again.

Chiba Job is done!

Good food, good work?
Good work, good food?

I do not care which comes first and after! Hahaha.


Client arranged a big bento box for me over the lunch.

It means that they expect my hard work even after? Will see.

MoonFlower located a neat restaurant called "Le temps vole."
Very nice place and certainly good foods.

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Oh boy, this place is really added our "usual" list!!!

Great foods... what else?


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Golden Week 2018: Looking for good foods

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Golden Week 2018: Bakery

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Golden Week 2018: Si Si Nibotan


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Doraemon? Tranomon?

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Ginza Time for Shopping


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New Place to be added to our "usual"

Good place we just encountered.


Called "Trompette."

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Pretty darn great gourmet… it was.


Strong alcohol (liquor) does help me to clearly remember of tonight… hahaha

Short drive to where?

A favor of MoonFlower for short drive to this place:

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Nice bakery first.

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Then neat cafe for lunch.

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Followed by a big dinner in NIngyocho.

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Not yet done. Still sweets!


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Look better? Food better?

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Today's my attire with eyewear from IC!Berlin.

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Famous pizza place for supper.

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Dessert at home to end it all.



Come to this place one a while… and it is tonight.


Big chunk of meats!!!
That is big treat for ourselves.
Any complaint?

Leave us alone, will you! Hahaha.

New Office?


New office is coming to an official… soon.


Stopped by my usual place in Shinjuku.
Great tofu stuff.

BBQ Dinner!

Need a big dining occasion… so we agreed with each other.
So showed up to this place:

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Ate as much… THANK GOD!

Guilietta running great


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SiSi Nibotan and Nihombashi Cafe

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Bib Gourmand Restaurant

Started working in nearby Starbucks today… AGAIN.
Yeah, sort "refused" to go to the office since there is nothing scheduled to do there in that place.
Performance cannot be measured based upon where I am. All matters is how I do the job and the RESULT. What else? Hahaha.


New menu to the Starbucks food… was my lunch. Roast pork and cream mustard… hot sandwich.
Not as good as the one in above picture. It was rather mediocre. At least, baguette and cream mustard were a good match.
I may try this, maybe, one more time. 480 yen.

Worked alone. In Starbucks.
No meetings planned. All can be done in the casual manner… however, my appearance for the day is as:

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Entirely formal. Pretty much. From suits, tie, pocket chief, and watch… oh boy, must be a big business ahead.
In fact, nothing ahead.
Just felt like putting on something fancy today. You know what I mean.

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Good restaurant found… more than good. Great.
Famous cuisine guidebook has posted this restaurant twice before.
So this place is (was?) one of "Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants." Highly expected!

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It was a small gathering with a young coworker. We joined each other in this restaurant for talk.
Talk rather then festivity is the theme for the night to see how we can move forward our career hereon.
Young fellow does definitely has indefinite potential and his future intension seems very promising.

I am looking forward to witnessing his career development!!!

It was good investment (or merely spending) to make this night be very fun and productive. Made myself more energized as well.

Good Food after Good Food

Good soba noodle for lunch… this place is not too far from where I live.
This is 2nd visit…
No hesitation but very much determined to eat this soba for lunch since early morning. My brain did tell me so.


Great stuff!
Perfect soba. I probably like this more than simple ramen noodle. Different noodle dish.
It means that I am now old because the food preference is slightly shifted like that. Hahaha.


Showed up to the Tokyo Big Sight for some exhibition. Yes, part of work, really.


Coffee break after long walk inside the exhibition. Along with today's watch - Cartier Santos 100XL.

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Saw the projection mapping over the Tokyo Big Sight premises. I didn't know that such entertainment was planned tonight.
But a little bit noisy because big loud music was along and that was too much for me.

Dinner is planned at Italian restaurant in Ginza.

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Forgot to take picture of pasta… otherwise, all here.
Very good food came along with big bill. Oh boy. Too late…
I will keep my wallet closed tightly for rest of the month until pay day!

Good Place Hunting

MoonFlower and I made it early today. It is mid-day during the extended weekend.
Yeah, Sunday morning it is… we rushed into bakery not too far from where we live.
MF had made a request for some bread in advance and we picked up even more when we went it.

Croissant, croque monsieur, etc.

Rushed back to home... actually we made extra tour to another place.
We went into a place called "WENT" which is newly open coffee stand.
Picked up latte for her and coffee for myself.

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Newly backed bread and fresh brewed coffee made things just to be perfect. Cannot complain any for sure.

After easy afternoon when we mostly spent time on Hulu except some grocery shopping, we went down to Asakusa.

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20180107 Asakusa Senso Temple #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

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Lucky draw came out pretty good. "Daikichi" is top luck. Good new year start with this.
Then, we came to this bistro just near the Temple.

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Wow, another GREAT place just found.
Well, it is all well-done to MoonFlower who has done great homework finding great dining place.
It is here… we should come back quite soon.

Good start and great finish. What a wonderful day!

Destination Change

1st day of 3-day extended weekend is just begun.
Why extended? We are observing "Adult Day" on coming Monday. Total 3-day weekend. Not bad, huh.
Even though I worked somewhat yesterday, I still feel like I were in the middle of long vacation.

Definitely, I dreamed about it. Though, no worries since the reality does kick in when time comes to Tuesday. Ha!

MoonFlower wanted to go to a restaurant in Asakusa area and we even get on the train toward the area.
Though, she found out that place is fully booked for tonight and there was no chance for us to be there.
So in the train, we are forced to change our mind. Took a train for opposite direction. Got off the train at Higashi Ginza.

Yeah, not Asakusa but Ginza today.


Saw tons of dried persimmons ("hoshigaki") on the street…. they made us quite hungry.

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Late lunch was soba. Didn't come to this place ever before. Good surprise that this soba noodles were pretty good!

Then, we intended to shop in the department stores. Looking for business bag that I use for my work.
There was no luck to reach one for myself as far as today. I have to seek next chance.
Everything was either boring design or highly (over) priced that we cannot afford. No luck it was.

For supper, MoonFlower and I went to two different bars at a night.

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Main dining was at wine bar.
Then we stopped by another one. Seems a little more authentic or hard core bar.

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Of course, we selected serious drink then. Hahaha.

Long day came along with fun and feeling of getting drunk for hangover. Hahaha.