one of the kind... since 1998

December 2021

Say Goodbye to 2021!

About time to say thank you and goodbye to 2021!!!
Time really did fly and it is coming to an end, already.
What did I do.

Let me rephrase this… as:

What have I accomplished for year 2021?!

That is a million-dollar question that I am UNABLE to answer right away. Hahaha.

(traditional new-year-eve soba noodles for supper)

There is no major health issue during the year.
Though, some minor ones… I have to make sure that things should be even better for 2022.

What about you?
You made some positive accomplishment? Sure hope so.

Well, thank you for reading this all year around.
I will make sure that I keep this long going for sharing much information of my life. Hahaha.
Keep coming back to read all about it!

See you in 2022.

Family Dinner for Year-End 2021

Xmas Eve 2021

Had to wait for cake pick up in such long line…
Wait time was up to 50 minutes. No kidding.
I was just taking time off from the work and wanted to get back to it sooner… oh boy.

Perfect (perfectly-excused) to open a bottle of some expensive stuff… Champagne!

This year, Laurent -Perrier!

Chicken leg. Not turkey.

Cake picked up was very special one. Very unique shape.
Called "Heart Flower Wreath" cake.
This made our home dinner even perfect for Xmas celebration.

Shopping & Movie Going

Additional (?) Xmas shopping?
New ear-phone just got delivered.

Noise-cancelling ear-buds by BOSE.

During the day, did use them. Worked pretty good. Loved this stuff.
Should've bought them way before.

Maybe last movie going for 2021?!
This is 17th movie watched.
Yup, MATRIX movie just released this weekend!!!

Resurrections?! Lots of remembrances!!!

Another Reunion

Steak dinner with friends!!!
How do we look? Surely getting older!!!

20211215 Reunion - old friends #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Annual Reunion

Weekend is now coming to an end… TOO FAST! Hahaha.
New bag shown in yesterday's blog is quite good… better than I thought.
I started using it today… no negative points. All good!

I have better picture of it here:

Very fancy!

Went to Aman Tokyo - one of luxury hotel in Tokyo for afternoon tea with friends.

Menu - long list of sweets.

Soup? Juice? Yet, starter.

Big afternoon tea tower for three people

It was fun and great catch up with old friends who I worked with a long time ago.
Great to see they are doing just fine and having great lives out there.
It was longer than several hours; though, made me feel like just a matter of half an hour or so.

You know what I mean.

Great time really passes by.

Those ladies brought some gifts to me. Thank you! Y'all are just sweet.

20211212 アフターヌーンティー@アマン東京 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

This is annual event for three of us… this is 3rd consecutive year of doing afternoon tea together.
Surely next year will be another one.

Xmas Shopping!

Busy Saturday, it was for me.
Very active from the morning - showed up to a cafe by walk.

Originally, supposed to go to other place which was closed for the day somehow.
Then, came to this place called "DIXANS" and ordered coffee along with toast.

Caught up with MoonFlower for lunch.
Newly planed place called "guang" famous for rice-omelette.

Very crowded when we got there… had to wait for at least 30 minutes or so.

Omelette is ready! Very stylish foodie for me.

Then, MF and I showed up to Ginza for shipping.

Went in to department stores for looking around.
Finally shopping is complete!

Supper took place at a bar in Kitasenju, unusual destination for two of us.

Sherry wine place

Shopping results - MF instantly got her attention to this.
In fact, she could take her eyes off from this.
Thus, I ended up buying this one for her. Turned to be a Christmas present of 2021.

Very cute cat handbag.

And I bought this bag for myself.

It is English hand-made GLOBE-TROTTER bag.
Cool one for me. I love it.
My own Christmas shopping is also coming to an end in peace. Hahaha.

Busy but fun day!

Day Trip to Kyoto

Restaurant "NASQUILLO"

20211204 ナスキロ #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA