one of the kind... since 1998

January 2021

Back from Chiba at late night

1st month of the year is just gone… already!
Wow, too fast.
Now things are moving into February then.

Driving under clear weather was quite fun.

Stopping by a place for big meal… eels over rice. Rich food it is.

MoonFlower even fixed lamb chops for supper.
Wine was missing for sure. Well, I had to drive home afterward. Too bad.
Wait, MoonFlower opened a bottle of wine and had some wine, already. Darn it.

The way she cooked was PERFECT. Loved this dish.

Back home at late night.
Came through the Aqualine Tunnel between Tokyo and Chiba.
It planned to shut down for maintenance tonight. Didn't know that. Just made it before closure.

Thank God, I barely made it. Otherwise, had to go a long drive!

Candidate is becoming my colleage?

Few meetings for the day. Very peaceful.
Then, had to work on research and some documentation.
it went well. So I thought.

One meeting, in the late afternoon, took place with a Partner.
It regards to hiring some potential candidate whom I interviewed last week.
Candidate is a bit older than 30 years old.

From usual measurement, it was almost last phase that someone starts new career as management consultant.

In other words, it might be risky to do so when failing to build good career within any firm.

I started my consultant career at the age of 33. Very late start.
Since then, I somehow made a survival until today. Lasting over 15 years or so.

To be fair, I do not see similar case much.

In past project, I have nice young colleague started consultant career at 38.
He was obviously unusual case for sure.
Though, didn't last even 2 years. Too bad.

Very unique work environment?! Maybe.

I even thoguth that I would last until age of 40… that was my very original goal.

Not sure that candidate that I talked about with Partner can be my future colleague.
At least Partner and I decided to give GREEN LIGHT to move on to next round.

Will see how that candidate would express himself as much for next round for offering a job.

Client owns Patek Phillip!

Man, didn't plan to stay at client's site all day long.
I originally expected to be there only for the morning.
That resulted that I had to skip some meetings. Oh boy.

Well, it is still my priority that I stay and do work for that client anyhow.

Client and I even went to have lunch together.
1st time to be accompanied with him over any meal ever.
Lots of casual talk… maybe I should have shut up a bit more. Hahaha.

Good thing found, then.

He and I have something in common.
He likes watches as well.
I knew that he has Panerai watch. He puts that on his wrist for the day.

However, he wore gold watch yesterday.
Asked him what what it was.
It was Patek, he said.

Oh boy, he's got such luxury prestigious watch in his collection.

Envy of him much for sure!

He asked me what else I have than Panerai.
Well, I was wearing Apple Watch today. Same as yesterday.
Told him that I at least have watches like Apple Watch.

Haha, I didn't give him a straight answer at all.

I may be more cautious what watch to put on when going up there.

Working late at night as usual.
Ordered some foods to UberEats.
It brought a set of cheese burger.

Hard to tell from the photo, yet, it was AWESOME stuff.
Very juicy beef in it.
I may even order one more time very soon.

Time is almost February… now I exchanged the strap for GaGa Milano from rubber to leather.
Should have done it much earlier, I thought.
GaGa is quite fancy watch and still good on my wrist for sure.

Nonetheless, GaGa doesn't go for business yet. I should try?!


Weekend Ahead...

Another week is coming to an end…
Work is still coming along with low gear; thus yet under control.
Though, I got one yell from purchasing in charge at client today.

She wants signed contract from our end.
I know.
I have to sort things out before signing it.

That contract lasts like a hell and amount is super high.
All that really does slow me down.
You know what I mean.

She, on the contrary, wants to get it done sooner without realizing the impact in case of some event.
Well, I have to be the media to organize all that for now.
Good thing is that it is not a huge pain and should be done next week or so.

All crazy stuff along with this were all taken care of last year. THANK GOD.

My mother is becoming more active as the medication shifted to less.
She does have fair appetite and eager to move.
I did tell her that she should move around as exercise to regain the physical strength.

As planned, she should be released from the hospital on Sunday.
That pain comes to a big relief for sure.

Supper was taken care by UberEats.
Ordered Chinese and ordered more than I could eat then.
I was quite full.

Along with supper, I watched a move called "Snowden."

Over the weekend, there is absolutely no plans.
Well, still under the "state of emergency."
Tough to eat out and hesitate to even go out, I guess.

Is that pretty same for you wherever you may be…

Difficult to live for a while, don't you think?

No Good News Got In

I participated in the presentation last week for 1st business preposition of the year.
Today was due for final outcome for winner announcement.
Well, too bad. We were placed at 2nd place.

No business won this time.

Bad start of year 2021? Not so fast. I do not think that much.
There were four bidders and the chance is of 25%.
Plus, winner has some absolute advantage that no one else had.

We heard so from the client.
It means that it was not even close race and I can easily let that go.
Not sure how other people on the team would think, though.

I do what I can do and see how all that would turn out to be.
More like "Que sera, sera" type thing.

My lunch for today.
Somehow, all 3 square meals were of Japanese. No breads, no pasta.
More difficult to balance the meal because I stay home all the time under single life pattern.

Oh boy.

Joker? Dracula? Real or Fake?

It is about mid-January. Time to shake off the holidays for digging into serious business.
Good news is that my mother is doing better and better.
Big relief for sure. Thank God.

One small package arrived.
Came from online shopping and I opened it, immediately.
I know what came to me. Thus, opening the package gets some excitement.

Here it is:

Brand new watch came in package!
Joker?! Dracula? Seemed combined. They are.

It is cheap fashion watch and I bought from online marketplace.

You know, famous luxury watch - Frank Muller has "Frank Miura" the cheap fashion copy watch.
This is same kind.

This very economic watch is fancy enough for me wearing it on my wrist. Cool, really.

I know, this is very unusual taste of any one; however, it definitely suits me. IN MY OPINION. Hahaha.

Good shopping? Yeah, it was.

Along with other watches, this one comes on to my wrist every once a while for sure.
Definitely, eye-catching!!!
Would you like one for yourself?!

Back to Tokyo. No Major Issue

Man, night in Ogaki is much colder than I thought!
It was cold night for me…
No foods for breakfast and I ran into cafe for coffee and bread. Came with boiled egg, too.

In the coffee shop, I definitely was part of the community because tons of senior citizens came for breakfast by themselves.
One after another… old fellows kept coming. It was interesting place.

For two days from yesterday, I had cheap rental, driving Nissan NOTE around.
It is compact car and should realize high drivability.
Though, it was not as good as I thought it would be.

Stayed with mother for late afternoon in the hospital.
Medical check went well and we all are quite optimistic that she does not need any surgery.

My brother drove all the way from Tokyo and arrived in very late afternoon.
He plans to spend night tonight. Thus, he takes my turn hereafter.
It was first met him for over several years. Usual for us.

He bought me a big meal and I enjoyed!
Different way of cooking eels in this region from Tokyo. Really. Interesting.

Returned rental car and got back to Tokyo by train.

A little more customers; however, definitely far different from usual time.

Extended weekend took away from me for family emergency. Nonetheless, closed with no bad outcome. That is good news.

Emergency in Ogaki

Phone rang in very early morning. I was yet asleep then.
Picked up the phone with notice that something happened to my mother because it was from her.
She called an ambulance last night and was at hospital.

She was in big pain and then got some relief with medication.

Some testing planned and she may need to go under surgery if necessary.
Oh boy!

I rushed into Tokyo Station for bullet train.

Under state of emergency over Tokyo, there is few people in the largest station of the country!

I was only one in the train car when departed from Tokyo.
Only several people got on board afterwards.

Picked up a large bento for lunch.

Great varieties and enjoyed them much.

Picked up a rental car and drove straight into hospital in Ogaki.

Well, unlike Tokyo, hospital still allows one per family to see patient.
Registered myself and finally came to a room where my mother was.

She was okay. Pain was under control then.
She clearly talks and talks… it all didn't seem to be too serious.
Though, testing was planned tomorrow and it is up to the result.

However, she was quite optimistic and believes that it would be positive.

I was there with her for several hours until nurse told me to go home.

I hope things stay calm and under control over night for improvement.
If she goes under surgery, I have to go back to Tokyo for grabbing my work stuff to stay in Ogaki for a while.
Will see how things turn out to be.

Just Missed? Never Know What I Would Have

If you know me in person, it makes a lot of sense that I would select a watch like this for me:

- Limited edition. Only 88 in the world
- All seem to be sold out
- Hard to see a real watch for demo

I recently contacted a retailer in UK for this inquiry.
According to it, very last piece is to be delivered for stock at the end of January.
Thus, I was SERIOUSLY considering to reserve that one for myself.

Well, following email informed me that it would not happen. No longer available.
Too bad.

That watch retailer even let me know today that one of collectors that the shop has connection to offer to sell one.
It is mint condition. I guess, such collector does not wear it often at all and hold it into collection as possessing.
Then he waits for right time to sell if can.

That offer comes with some premium price.
Let's say that there are 10% premium on top of original price for new piece.
Oh boy. What would I do?!

If I have ever seen a piece in my hand, decision making process may be different.
I still procrastinate myself making such a big decision since never seen one and yet quite pricey.
Would you see how I feel?!

Hahaha. Will see…

State of Emergency for Tokyo (again)

Back to dark part of life?!

From today for at least 1 month, Tokyo is under the state of emergency. So declared yesterday.
It is different from "lock down" per se.
Different essentials.

Situation doesn't look too good. However, lack of political leadership, things are not much different.

Restaurants are requested to close by 8pm.
They are not forced to.
If they do close operation by 8pm, they are entitled to receive government's subsidies.

That is basically it.

People are not restricted to move / transport much. They are "advised" to stay home as much.

My firm follows such initiative very thoroughly. We will working from home for at least month today on.
Will be calm and do all things home.

Only concern is of my health… I have to get some exercise for sure.

Any other concern?

Very Japanese Atmosphere

I guess, the main and biggest event of the week is now over.
Five of us showed up to the client for pitch this afternoon.
Yeah, we were escorted to.

Within the client's facility…

6 men were already sat down and waiting.

Seemed solemn atmosphere. Indeed.

Very Japanese.. few smile when we first met. Of course, they were polite, though.

Took us one whole hour for presentation.
Very unusual for me to be part of multi-speaker session.
I usually start and finished it all by myself.

5 men of a team is there because of complex task / topics for a single project.
Potential to grown HUGE project in future.

How did it go? Well, it went well as planned.
Good impression given? Assume so.
Will see how it turns out to be.

Wish me luck!

Finally Repaired!

Back in September last year, one of bracelets got broken…

All retail stores in Tokyo for that brand is being closed, already.
It is Links of London.
I guess, that business didn't go well… too much.

I mostly let this go… since no stores around it seemed difficult to repair.

Well, I still wanted to, though.
Then, searched. Somewhat difficult.
Though, I finally contacted the company running that band in Japan.

Then, requested for repair and it was brought back to me with COD. That's no problem.
Here it is!

Cool. One of my stuff gets back to normal.

While wearing the casual clothes, I mostly put one of bracelets that I have.
Now collection is complete with this repair.

Took me about three months or so… boy!

Year 2021!!!

A Happy New Year of 2021!!!

Great goods and drinks for celebration!

BIG celebration will last for a while.
Of course, all such celebration stays inside. Never gets out.
Be cautious about corona virus!!!