one of the kind... since 1998


Day Trip to Kyoto

Back in Town. New Shirts Just In

Back to Tokyo in this afternoon.

Supper was catered by Uber Eats.
Hot spicy Chinese noodles.

Extra spicy. Quite hot and spicy for me.

MoonFlower has ordered shirts and they got delivered, already.

One for her and the other for me.
Yeah, we select same style t-shirts for both of us. Crazy?! Maybe.
One on the right is mine.

Will be in Ogaki soon for Golden Week (April 29th - May 6th).

1st Business Trip in 2021

Business trip to Kyoto.
1st time in this year… 1st time for such a long time, too.

Destination is Kyoto for business meeting.
Was it a good meeting?
Let's say that it was not the meeting that I had to lead. Thus, I was quite relaxed… but the meeting driving then was quite frustrating.

Not straight back to Tokyo.
Decided to spend a night with my mother in Ogaki.

I checked in and she is quite fine. Good news.