Unboxing immediately after the delivery

It was rather quiet start of a new week!
Having expected something would easily go wrong but didn't.
That means that all would go flat for the rest of the week?

Will see.

Very authentic Japanese dinner home thanks to MoonFlower who is quite enthusiastic about "eating."
No doubt about that if you would knew her. Hahaha.

Delivery made and I had to unbox it right away… here it is:

So am ready for any travel soon - planned?

Cafe "No. 4" visit

Made it very early morning to go here:

Very popular for all youngsters!
Among them, MoonFlower and I wanted to mingle ourselves for good breakfast!

Here it is:

Thanks to such plan, we had a very long Sunday!

Isetan "Tanseikai" shopping

What did I buy?
At least I did bring a long shopping list to the Isetan holding "Tanseikai" fair.
It is for a periodical sales event dedicated to loyal customers.

At least, I am counted as one of them for time being. Hahaha.
Then, wheat did I buy?
Then, where did I go for dinner?

Shopping is completed and I have to save it all again for a while from now on.
You know the feeling after the big spending.