February 2025

Another Project came to an end...

Another project, after January, came to an end.

Like my work PC has dead battery, no energy left for today.
Fresh start is to be set on 1st March.

Now the number of projects that I deal / lead is down to 2.
#3 project is expected soon but there are some time for me.
I should look for something new and fun.


Back in Tokyo from Kobe

Back in town.

So now you can tell what purpose of the visit to Kobe?

It doesn't look like serious business trip, right?
Sure, there is still a huge mission in this trip - assigned by the client.
One purpose? Probably more.


to KOBE for business

Trip to Kobe for doing what?

You can guess what objective that I had for this Kobe trip.
Let me know!

Dark garage for rich people in Tokyo

Never seen such a hidden world of rich people in Tokyo -

Happened to bump in to such a super-car-only garage!!!
Who the heck own such cars and put the cover on.
Wanted to see real face of those super cars!!!

Don't you?!

Easy Monday - Holiday

Extended weekend is now over.

That movie was easy-to-watch.
Coming out of the TV drama series which I have missed.
Maybe I should check it out even after watching the movie series.

This week is rather short.
Anything big expected? Hmm.
Will see how it would go for me.

Much much longer than usual!!!

Usual Chiba trip day turned out to be a long day due to heavy traffic.
Some accident triggered such.
1 hour drive on the way took about 4 times!!!

Though, only relief was of such a good and clear sky!!!
Driving was fun for sure:

Pizza, within the footage, was rather light one for me.
Moon Flower and I could have had eaten more but didn't.

Fireworks - did you see them in the last part of Vlog?
Driving back home got stuck with another traffic but observing such beautiful fireworks was good.

Long day trip is now over.
Tomorrow, one more day off, it will be very each and quiet day for sure.

Omotesando Shopping

Showed up to Omotesando for one purpose.
One purpose only - for Tsumori Chisato 2025-26 AW collection.
Can try on all available clothes for making orders.

Here is today's Vlog:

How did I look with try-on's?
I have not decided which ones to order yet.
Will make up my mind, shortly. There is a deadline for sure.

Late lunch became cafe time at "A Piece of Cake."

Pancake was just what I wanted for snack. Hahaha.
Hope you like the footage of my Vlog!

Nishi Azabu debut!!!

There are still so many places not conquered yet in Tokyo even though living here for long enough.
Today, I made one remark - stepping in to one new area - Nishi Azabu!

Festivity did not completed within and friend and I extended this to Roppongi.
Hahaha, bad boys!

Surely, good night out. Great night!

Otsuka Lotec - coming?

Had to go to Omotesando for one thins.
One purpose only.
Needed to see "Otsuka Lotec" watch alive!

I knew, beforehand, that it would be exhibit only and cannot touch the piece.
Well, hard to tell.
Though, mechanism on that watch is something that I really like for a long time.

Worth to get one for me?
How do you think?

My "new" private and favorite gataway!

New private and favorite getaway is just found for lunch today:

Called "Sushi Higuchi."

Opened a quite while ago and getting more and more popular for sure.
However at this moment, not that hard to make a reservation.
Will see how much time this kind of good place can be away from the attention from major foodies.

How do you like it?!

Nothing really planned. Just chilling...

Nothing really planned for the day.
Well, what MoonFlower and I did was quite limited.
Yeah, definitely easy day it was.

Somehow I still managed to make one-story movie… hahaha.
I thought that it wouldn't be possible to come up with any footage.
Boring still but made it!


Am quite proud of myself doing such because the streak of movie uploading is still continuing!

Ginza Rendezvous

Reunion with friend / BIG4 consultant with whom I used to work.
Lots of talk… to cover many things.
Time did really fly for sure.

The venue was at "LA BODEGA" - Spanish food restaurant.

After-big-meal coffee is perfect for chill-out! At "BUNDOZA."

For supper, rather simple and small-portion meal definitely supports.

Good busy day!
Did lots of GINZA shopping - precisely "showrooming."

Outer / Tops

Nothing bought, though. Yeah, just looking around.

Great time in Ginza today.

Good Tavern Place in Nihombashi

Very tiring day! Lots of energies consumed for persuasion.
Would say, somehow, partially succeeded.

At least convinced the CEO. Unsure about other directors. Hahaha.

Will see how it develops from here.
Work is work and it is done for another weekend.
Gathered with wifey MoonFlower for supper at tavern place.

Here is the summery of the day:

Tavern provides varieties of food at reasonable prices.

Plus, staff members who are almost all foreigners worked very hard, handling a bit complex Japanese "Izakaya" language!
Good place to go for sure.

Good Sushi Lunch missed...

Too bad that couldn't come to a good Sushi lunch today.
MoonFlower was taking a day off and we ran toward the Sushi place that we wanted to go to.
Well… here is what happened:

Home along tonight since MF went to some girl gathering.
It is quiet night here.

Ginza Matsuya's fair

Went to Ginza Matsuya department store in the afternoon.
Big St. Valentine's chocolate fair has been holding.
I made a stop-by at Tanaka Senbei which my old friend runs.

Too bad that my friend was not there… but at least bought something.
Yeah, supports to the friend.

Such footage does indicate that I am quite idle from the work?

Long day? Wrong day?

How did I spend a day like today?!

Unboxing immediately after the delivery

It was rather quiet start of a new week!
Having expected something would easily go wrong but didn't.
That means that all would go flat for the rest of the week?

Will see.

Very authentic Japanese dinner home thanks to MoonFlower who is quite enthusiastic about "eating."
No doubt about that if you would knew her. Hahaha.

Delivery made and I had to unbox it right away… here it is:

So am ready for any travel soon - planned?

Cafe "No. 4" visit

Made it very early morning to go here:

Very popular for all youngsters!
Among them, MoonFlower and I wanted to mingle ourselves for good breakfast!

Here it is:

Thanks to such plan, we had a very long Sunday!

Isetan "Tanseikai" shopping

What did I buy?
At least I did bring a long shopping list to the Isetan holding "Tanseikai" fair.
It is for a periodical sales event dedicated to loyal customers.

At least, I am counted as one of them for time being. Hahaha.
Then, wheat did I buy?
Then, where did I go for dinner?

Shopping is completed and I have to save it all again for a while from now on.
You know the feeling after the big spending.