Big Fun Day!
Sat, 30 March, 2024
Finally, one health concern is gone.
My "glossalgia" is finally gone.

Saw the doc for 3rd time and confirmed that symptom is no longer there.
So now officially "glossalgia" is not part of me…
Doc told me to come back if any symptoms get recognized.
Okay! Good stuff and now I can move on.

Play "Sweeney Todd" is watched.

Unfortunately, seat was rather back and far from the stage.
Though, it was good one.
Never seen such story even though I have heard about it.
Good story and great musical it was.

Went down to Toyosu after the musical.

Gathering took place at all-weather BBQ place.

12 of us got together for BBQ party.

Tons of foods and drinks

Night view of Tokyo from bayside

It was such an endless night BBQ.
Had enough drinks and ate tons!!!
Good Saturday… better than good… GREAT!
My "glossalgia" is finally gone.

Saw the doc for 3rd time and confirmed that symptom is no longer there.
So now officially "glossalgia" is not part of me…
Doc told me to come back if any symptoms get recognized.
Okay! Good stuff and now I can move on.

Play "Sweeney Todd" is watched.

Unfortunately, seat was rather back and far from the stage.
Though, it was good one.
Never seen such story even though I have heard about it.
Good story and great musical it was.

Went down to Toyosu after the musical.

Gathering took place at all-weather BBQ place.

12 of us got together for BBQ party.

Tons of foods and drinks

Night view of Tokyo from bayside

20230330 March gathering Birthdays and BBQ #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

It was such an endless night BBQ.
Had enough drinks and ate tons!!!
Good Saturday… better than good… GREAT!
Play "King Lear"
Sun, 17 March, 2024
Showed up to go watch a play in Ikebukuro today.

Ikebukuro is in fact least favourite area in Tokyo because always crowded like crazy!
No exception today.
But had no choice whatsoever… hahaha.

Came to Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.

with my Chaykin (clown) watch.

My seat was in the middle on the 1st floor.
View over the stage was pretty good.

Watched a play "King Lear." Yeah, famous Shakespeare… four tragedies.
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre:
It was a long play… started at 1pm and done around 4pm.
Very serious play and no jokes at all as you can imagine.
It was pretty good, though.
All actors are quite famous and popular and shared what they all got for this.
Definitely, worth to watch!!!

Ikebukuro is in fact least favourite area in Tokyo because always crowded like crazy!
No exception today.
But had no choice whatsoever… hahaha.

Came to Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.

with my Chaykin (clown) watch.

My seat was in the middle on the 1st floor.
View over the stage was pretty good.

Watched a play "King Lear." Yeah, famous Shakespeare… four tragedies.
20240317 東京芸術劇場 #プレイハウス #池袋 #リア王 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre:
It was a long play… started at 1pm and done around 4pm.
Very serious play and no jokes at all as you can imagine.
It was pretty good, though.
All actors are quite famous and popular and shared what they all got for this.
Definitely, worth to watch!!!