Now Ready for 2020!

Back in Tokyo at night.
Ogaki stay was short but nice.
Didn't want to stay there too long because being there is certainly some burden on my mother.

She should enjoy with us for a while… that is the mission.
Thus, spending one night is as usual for MoonFlower and I.
Timing is another issue. My brother's family come to her over new year. So we choose different timing.

Everyone gets together at a time… that is an ideal case.
However, that is short and intense.
I have talked to my mother to see if splitting the event into two different occasion. She prefers to split.

That is why MoonFlower and I visited her around this time… right before the new year.

On the way back to our apartment, MoonFlower picked her supper in the shopping complex.
Seafood Bento from Hokkaido.

This is really great stuff and she enjoyed herself having such good food.
While she is coming to good foods, I eat different stuff… leftover from Ogaki. Hahaha.
True, though.

Now all remaining tasks for 2019 is about to be completed and ready for 2020.
Are you?

Ogaki Visit - Last Time in 2019

One last thing to do for 2019 is visiting my mother in Ogaki.
Taking Shikansen for Gifu Hashima.
Tokyo Station was quite crowded like a hell and everyone was eager to get train for getting out of Tokyo.

Train ride was of almost 3 hours.
I was glued to the business program on iPad…
Didn't even feel it was a long traveling time at all.

In-train lunch was another part of fun and I selected simple one.
During the day before, ate too much and I was quite full all day long then.
Today, had to go home half empty stomach to be ready to make full.

Gifu Hashima Station where my mother drove up for pick-up.

Then, great home-made food continues.
Dessert was my gift from Tokyo.
Lots of talk and laughs through the night. Lots of energy consumed then. Not calories, though. Hahaha.

Family Year-End Party 2019

Our family tradition - it was our family's year-end party 2019 tonight.
This year, MoonFlower has selected Chinese for it.
Wow, never thought about that kind of idea…

She seemed to have been recommended this restaurant by her "foodie" friend.

It was called "O2" and the cuisine was of Chinese fusion. Interesting.

Course food was completed with whole shirk fin plate. That is definitely foodie's wanted.
Great match or marriage with wine recommended by restaurant's sommelier.
Simply, GREAT.

Well, check didn't even come small and that was in fact great deal as well!!! (OMG)

Shouldn't complain… it was year-end PARTY.

Finally, Year-End Begins...

Work 2019 is finally coming to an end… today.
Around 3pm, to be precise.
Completed the last meeting via Skype and replied all received emails.

That is it for 2019!!!

From today, it is official that I am on holiday for welcoming new year.


Using three different pens from my collection, started preparing new year greeting cards.
Immediately after work 2019 is done, I had to take care of my personal stuff for 2019.
Same for you? I bet so.

At night, drove down to Chiba for another task.
Tomorrow, MoonFlower and I have to finish last visit to the cemetery for prayer.
We spend a night in Chiba to be ready for tomorrow stuff.

New year greeting cards… hand writing for friends' names and addresses.
Plus short messages.
Not much of work… but took me some time.

Fortunately, didn't waste cards by writing wrong words or misspelling.
That is good result.
At least one task is completed with a small relief. Not bad, huh.

Thing to do...

My main task for Thursday was pretty much this…

Time to see this movie since I have completed pre-study, watching all previous episodes.

The Rise of Skywalker was definitely fun movie.
NOT necessarily impressive.
NOT quite dynamic

Though, it was first class entertainment reflecting current world and its trend.
Thus, purely entertainment.


Merry Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas 2019!!!

Not special event at home or for my family this year.
Too busy?
Too lazy to plan?

All true.

Last Work Day in 2019... NOT YET?

Supposedly, my year-end holiday starts tomorrow.
It was supposed to.
Least likely it will happen… will see.

Had a long meeting with client for all morning long.
Then, I was taken to lunch:

It was soba noodle which was pretty good!

In the afternoon, I originally expected to work on my stuff.
However, received a request for document review, meeting, etc.
I was quite tied up for others, not for myself.

Time did fly then. No much freedom.

I do not still think that I can close all business for 2019… yet.
I even edited the proposal for new business and printed it out.
More than 60 pages or… the printed proposals are quite thick and heavy.

Tomorrow, there is still some business to take care of.
Maybe sometime tomorrow, I can see the end of business for 2019…
Sure hope so.

Christmas Dinner for Our Family

No much need to write even a word here…
You just enjoy the foods which were for our Christmas dinner between MoonFlower and I.
It was just what we really enjoyed. Probably, this taste exceeded our anticipated expectation.

Wine was perfect company.

Old Friends Gathering 2019

Once again… this year's party among SFLS friends.
Fun festivity took place from 2pm for long hours.
It was more than fun.

2019SFLS忘年会 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Man, too much drinks!!!


Countdown Already?

Indeed year-end and everyone gets busy to be ready for new year.
Includes myself.
Since MoonFlower was out for all day long, I am free to do anything.

I could rest and do nothing home; however, did at least one thing.
After drop-off at local dry cleaner, I drove on westbound.
Not far drive at all, though. I showed up to a cemetery.

ex-Boss Miura-san's place where at least his soul is.

One fewer year-end festivities I have because he is no longer around.
Decided to stop by and give thanks to him there.

Too bad that he is no longer around.
Too bad that our place for drinks is no longer there. Closed back in August for good.
Time does pass by and time to move on.

2020 is coming… soon.

Friday Night Wine Night

Wine night at Friday night!!!

MoonFlower recommended one place for supper tonight.
Well, not totally new to me, either. At least I have been there once before.
She seems to have been much more for sure along with friends.

Yes, it was definitely wine place. One glass and another, enjoy as much. Very fun.

Very cozy place and we were the last customer before the place gets full.
After us, more than several groups showed up and gave up, instantly.
Lucky night, too.

Missed Big One?

My colleague wanted to go to certain restaurant for lunch.
He even sent me a meeting invitation for it to make sure that we both secure the time.
Via one rescheduling, we finally went out for that place.

Quite while for walk, we came to the front of restaurant in Ginza.

There is a small sign saying "Sorry, all reserved today. Please com again."

Oh boy!!!

Restaurant we came was famous for beef stew.
Colleague told me that he was ready for this even from yesterday. Hahaha. Too bad.

Big patty dish was alternative lunch then.
This happened to be pretty good as well.
Though, missing dish was huge deal…

We have to try at least one more time to make sure we get the taste of beef stew.

Always a journey for good or even better foods.

Theater Play "Dr. Wind"

Theater play, "Dr. Wind" was my after-work entertainment today.

Actors are all famous seen in TV programs and movies, etc.
Always great to see acting live.
Very dynamic and moving with how they acted.

Seat assignment was also good… not too far from the stage.
I can obviously see one of young actor doing the play with sweat on his face.
Man, that is very "LIVE."

Going on Diet with Apple Watch

At least MoonFlower decides to go on diet.
That spontaneously means that I too go on diet, immediately.
You know the logic, huh.

I have no objection whatsoever. It is called KPO or peace keeping operation.

To help the situation, I should wear Apple Watch more often than ever.
Everyday to be precise. At least for time being until the weight lost is confirmed.

Fortunately, I have more than several "bands" to switch back and forth for everyday coordination.

Maybe I should buy one more band for different color. Hahaha.
Anyhow, diet plan should be kept for positive result.
Will see how it would go for me.

SUPER Sushi!!!

Great Sushi Night.
It was belated birthday dinner for MoonFlower.

She didn't mind for sure that her birthday dinner didn't come in July but in December.
Yes, this dinner was that good… GREAT.

Spitz Concert "MIKKE" at Yokohama Arena

Rushed into my dealer for 6-month free inspection.
Of course, my car is still in good condition.
Just check up and see if any would go wrong. Thing is pretty good.

Had a chance to drive GLA for a while today.
It was compact SUV type vehicle and easy to drive.
Would be perfect if you drive only in city.

Though, there is a weak point in that car. Interior was rather cheap.
Luxury status lacks because of the interior feature and design.

Took a ride on Shinkansen for fairly short distance.
From Tokyo to Sihn Yokohama… for a matter of 15 minutes or so.
Had to go in to this:

It was a band called "Spitz" and tour named "MIKKE."
Concert was great. MoonFlower and I enjoyed the show as much.
Cool night it was.

Half month to go for 2019

Busy yet can be busier!
Many Christmas illumination and readiness for New Year of 2020…

Usually around this time of year, people should be busy to say thank-you to their customers for closing the year.
That is our formality.

Somehow, there is a new trend around myself.
I have more than several clients willing to meet for 1st meeting for possible engagement.
Company B, F, S and even more on my list at this point for 1st meeting scheduled within 2nd half of the month.

What is going on?
Everyone is not quite ready for 2020 ever?
It is different and unusual. Thus, I may be even busier for work and proposal.

Maybe some of those affect my 2020 schedule and activities. Will see.

Taking young consultant to the dinner

Happened to be vivid fashion for the day… happened to be?
I just picked up this necktie today.
How did it suit on me? How's coordination?

Blue suit is from Paul Smith.
Necktie is a Pucci.
Not bad, huh? This "cool" look should be for summer? What is your opinion?

Had to take one of colleagues to the dinner tonight.
He was part of the project team until today.
Now he departs to a new one.

He has learned quite bit during the project.
Some done well and some other not so well done.
Hope he takes this lesson learned to contribute more effectively.

It was fun talking to youngster like him and I learned his way of thinking.
I wish that I should have had this change much earlier…
Things can be different to him and he could learn even more.

We went to very smoky place since eating "Yakiton" showned in the picture above.
MoonFlower complained that my suits and other clothes stink… oh boy!

Sense of Urgency

Things got started with bad news today.
Then, I encountered another one. Why? Something wrong.

At least the project that I participate for now is going okay. That is minimum to keep my life going.

I then rushed to a site for seminar without having lunch. Still busy, somehow.

It was large one… more than 500 people in audience.
That is because of the seminar topic and of the organization running this event.

This opportunity certainly set a sense of urgency to myself… HUGE!

Made me feel like that I could do more and my team should do more…
Out there, there are lots of initiatives and activities going on for experiment to see what service can be realized, etc.
Oh boy, I hardly keep up with such trend and I should do more… that is what I mean.

I do not want to stay behind…
Should be ahead of the "GAME." Definitely, need to.

Bad news in the morning and shock in the afternoon.
Overall, things need to be re-directed and I should support / lead the move.
This is top priority and there is no room for compromise.

Oh boy, time is ticking…


Stressful day still going on?

Had very hectic meeting with client overseas.
It was video conference.
CFO over the camera didn't have any smile on his face.

Oh boy. Bad signal already even though a thing doesn't get started.

It was not first time. Actually, 2nd video conference and such mood didn't change a bit from last time.
He must be busy.
He doesn't like even a thing in this meeting.

In previous meeting, he continued complaints.
Thus, there is no surprise whatsoever for us to encounter such.
Was that big trouble?

Not really.
Actually, his mood did accelerated what we needed to get done.
He didn't want us to go over the summary or any input.

He said, "I read report. No need to discuss. What's next?"

It was just 20-some minutes meeting. Originally 90 minutes planned!

Picked up this bag of snack in the convenience store.
Bourbon's "Le Mond."
This is not new… old chocolate snack that I am familiar for a long time since I was a child.

Now the shape of this piece downsized and compacted. Pretty good!
I may buy another bag soon.

MoonFlower told me to pick one up for her… even though she can fine one anywhere.

Hmm, stressful day.
Client and wife has no smiles.
What else?

That way?

1st day of the week was busy day somehow.
Even missed the chance for lunch.
I had to feed myself with a piece of bread late afternoon after long meeting.

3 meetings in the morning. They were internal ones.
1 long meeting with client from 1pm for 2 hours.
Finally, I settled myself with PC work to reply messages via email.

Plus, I had to give some deliverable reviews before hitting home.

"That way?" is just out of my mouth while in the meeting with client.
Of course, internal discussion previously took place and we came to an agreement.
However, the lead for the meeting didn't go much as discussed.

Rather, his path brings some concerns on the way…

A little difference for today would result big gap tomorrow.
It is quite necessary to set another meeting for internal alignment.
Otherwise, all this may entail the difficulty monetizing our efforts.

Will see.

Toward the end of year, things certainly get tight and above-mentioned meeting is a good example.

24th would be last working day of the year. 25th and on, I intend to exercise my right for days off.
Yes, at least this point of time, extended year-end holidays are ahead.
Until then, many topics are still around that I have to deal with.

Will see how things would go… even busier than this? Maybe not?

Watch Magazine Subscription

New issue of watch magazine that I subscribe just comes in.
"Chronos" January issue cover is of perceiving watches as valuable asset.

I have never consider any of watches in my possession as asset for generating profits.
Thus, this issue is not along with my view.
However, that is obvious trend in the market since lots of watch-seeker buys Rolex sport-watch for money.

For me, December is sort dangerous month.

December is time for me to buy watches the most - more often than any other month.
In other words, highest probability of watch purchase for me.
Does this make sense?

I have never bought any watch as Christmas present.
Christmas present is usually planned ahead what to be bought.
So, watch buying in December is definitely impulse buying.

I have to be careful as much during this month… Hahaha.

Tea Party over Weekend

Gathering with old project members at the hold for afternoon tea today.

It was at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo. Lounge on 38th floor.
It was rather cloudy and the view was quite subtle. I wish it were beautiful sunny day.
Two ladies were my companies over the tea and they were happy to see this view.

Tons of food served as afternoon tea set.
Those ladies were fed at fast-paced.
I hardly caught up with them. Rather, I was talking.

Great to see those ladies whom I worked with long time ago.
It was 2016. Had a great fun and great result in project with them.
Since them, we see each other once a while… several times a year.

One of them got married and gave a birth this year.
The other is almost settling for new family.
Things are certainly moving. Great to see such life development.

Got Merry Christmas gift. Full of sweets within the bag.
Tea party was fun even without alcohol beverage.

Maybe new year party, also? Will see.

Trying New Style for Business

Seeking New Fashion?!

Hadn't worn this tie for long time until today.
It is Versace tie.
More than several colleagues loved this and I was quite flattered.

Maybe I should put this on more often.

Hublot watch is of my choice for the day.

New bag? Not really.
This is weekend-use and today I use this for work as first time.
Not bad… totally different, though. I will see how other people may like this or not.

So far, it seems okay…
What do you think?

Year-end Party Season

Come to another Chinese dishes…
Actually, lunch and dinner… both of them.

Did I go to China Town for Chinese meal this week?

What really made me stuck to that particular cuisine? How come?

Lunch with young colleague who came me without appointment.

Planned dinner with colleagues from old project was fun.
Total 6 members showed up for year-end party.
Great catch-up with them whom we worked together back in 2016-2017.

Too much Chinese means that I certainly gained?
Oh boy.
I should watch out…

Now Finally Autumn?

Finally autumn is around?

Came to take picture while walking on street.
Beautiful yellow leaves make perfect autumn day.
Wait. It is no longer autumn… It is already December.

Autumn is no longer in exist?

Climate pattern comes to new cycle… that is obvious.

Yokohama China Town

Not sightseeing. Strictly, business. Business only.

Came and spent time around China Town in Yokohama.
Did you know there is big on in Yokohama… ever?

Meeting was somewhat managed.
Followed business dinner. Those we faced had big capacity of alcohol.
I may have tough time to deal with them from now on… oh boy!

Will see how this relationship take us to new place or not.

Consulting career design

Came home after the date changed. Late night.
1st day of the week lasted quite long. Actually, started early.
I had 1st meeting at 9am.

Last meeting was done by 8:30pm.

Between them, I had 4 meetings. Total 6 meetings for the day.

Man, that number of meetings counted up to 6 hours or so… almost entire business hours.
Tried to create some material in PowerPoint between meetings. Tough to manage, though.
I ended up drew just outline and the highlight for the meeting. Was good enough then.

Somehow I have TOO MANY meetings more than my capacity… I guess.
Plus, topics are totally different from each other and I have to catch up.
I got a phone call from a Partner and he asked me to join another pursue team starting from Friday.

Oh boy, even MORE.

Came home around midnight since I had casual talk to a Partner. Different one from above.
Main topic was not of business.
Not even hobby or lifestyle or anything. It was about my career.

"How do you wanna end your career as?"

That is a simple but tough-to-answer question.
It means whether I want to advance my career toward Partner or not within the consulting firm.
That is of course risk entailing path. Not easy at all.

Tonight's entire conversation with him did cover lots of things with such perspective.

Conclusion? Hmm.

I guess, it is obvious that I come to the turning point determining how to deal with career for my life at some point.
Maybe 2020 is an important year?
Will see.

Very long day and deep night.

Kamakura Trip

Short trip to Kamakura.
About 1 hour train trip to get there.
Lots of people do go there for tourism.

Maybe we joined such crowd for the same reason…
Maybe not.
MoonFlower had SPECIFIC objective to be there.

Her reason was of Teppei Ono - pottery artist opened time-limited exhibition in Kamakura from today.
MoonFlower loves his pottery and we use his artistic products like plate and rice bowl, etc.
We came to pick up further more for our (her?) collection.

Our journey extended to next destination within Kamakura.
Walked for 20 minutes or so to get MF's appointed bakery.
She found this place in Instagram.

Doesn't look like bakery or any kind of store. Just merely ordinary resident.
Though, it was certainly organic and hand-made bakery.

Then, we come to a good dish for late lunch.
Picked to go to one of most popular restaurant in the area.
Had to wait over an hour or so to get our seats for food.

It was curry rice.

Man, one-hour waiting was definitely worth and came to a GREAT food.
For this, I do not mind to spend half day to come here. Indeed.

Shopping and dining… pretty good time in Kamakura.
1st day of last month for 2019 was quite short.
Will see how the rest of month would go for me.