Unproductive Month is coming to an end...

1st month without having ANY project assignment is passing by.
Time does fly, quickly.
1st time being available for any project for longer than 3 or 4 years. Not sure how I should spend time, WISELY.

Anyhow, project development is certainly underway.
Will see which one comes to realize and when to happen.
Who knows? God only knows.

Witnessed two colleagues saying goodbye to the firm.
They are transitioning to other competing firm.
Such labor liquidity is not something new. Rather, it always happens.

Such scene gave me a mixed feeling.
They found a better place to work. They take such risk.
Is that something I should consider due to current "impasse."

You might say, "such thing is only lasting for just one month, right?" - Yes, it is correct. Hahaha.

Career consultation to junior consultant took place. Dealed with two out of assigned four consutants this afternoon.
One of them who frequently travel to Hiroshima brought me a sourvenir.
Oh cool.

Since MoonFlower went out to see a play at theatre, I was quite open for supper. Alone.
Picked up soda and mixed nuts to home.
Easy dinner with drinks while watching TV.

As a result of tonight's home drinking, the bottle of Ballantine's became empty.
Had to order one for replacement.
Different and never-experienced-before brand to be chosen. "Hakushu" is next one. Ordered one at online store.

Facing Friday - oops, March is about to start. Oh boy!!!

Wow, productive and extra, etc.

Not in the office but in the cafe - I spent most of time for work…

I had serious troublesome work to do for the day.
Yeah, project archieve is my to-do then.
I do not want to anyone disturb myself whatsoever. Thus, easiest way is that I have to isolate myself from the others.

Things went very well, exactly what I aimed at. Good deal.
I did it all pretty much within today.
Very productive. Rare to happen? Hahaha.

Shopped at online mall and those were delivered today.
I found one addition to what I ordered.
Yeah, wrong quantity. One extra is added. Do not know why. Probably, human error.

Anyhow, those goods are for bathroom cleaning.
From tomorrow morning on, my chore is going to be a little be easier.

Salmon roe over the rice… bit bowl meal is the supper.
Very rich food… thanks to tax program…
"Furusato Tax" or "Home Country Tax" does allow local government rewards tax payers with gift.

Good choice, isn't it? This is perfect. Great supper!

Japanese sweets called "Daifuku"

Slow week is still going on.
Though, I did work hard… a little bit. At least I should close some businesses from last year.

Plus, I had to give up my precious time for intereviewing new grad… three of them in this afternoon.
None of them, unfortunately, did impress me much.
Last one was more eager than the others… she seemed to be more goal-oriented.

Had some trouble on my PC and I got stuck with IT team who spent quite time on my computer late afternoon.
That made my leave from the office quite late… much later than usual! Hahaha
Part of the job, isn't it? I presume so.

I picked up some sweets on the way back home.
Yeah, I do all possible thing to keep the domestic peace as much!!!
Sugar certainly does help. Don't you agree?

Here they are.
Famous "Ichigo Daifuku."
Ichigo is strwaberry and Daifuku is Japanese sweets beans and mochi / rice cake.

I bought these at Hakata Suzukake - famous sweets shop from far southern Fukuoka.
Let me compare those with ones from Ginza Akebono - another famous sweets shop from Tokyo.

Different appearance and the size is different, too.
Suzukake one is a bit smaller. Thinner rick cake part on the surface.
Akebono one is tick and sticky surface…

They are in the same category… but definitely different sweets products!!!

Well, tough to judge which one is BETTER. They are respectively good and I like them BOTH.

Probably, Akebono one is tougher to get because there are long line of customers as always.
Today at Suzukake, there are a few customers before myself. Not bad… very convenient.
That is the only difference. Maybe that part is even the same over weekend… I do not know.

Promotion announcement came to myself in mail from Mercedes-Benz dealership.
Oh boy, face-lift C-Class is around, already.
Maybe MB is my very next one?

When in the world do we decide which car and when to buy one for ourselves?
That is a big question never answered so far.
Any suggestion? Hahaha.

Spice it up!

Need a big shake-off… for refresh start.
Also it was still cold weather somewhat…
Hot spicy food is what my body required.

Here it is:

This became the point to make things turn around?
At least the circumstance is not in tact. Slowly but certainly, thing is moing forward.
It appears so to myself. Not bad.

Several things on job are taken care of before the weekend.
That is a good sign for sure, don't you think?
Second half of the month should be better than first? Will see.

At evening, there is a secret gathering…
NOT with any recruter…
BUT with a friend who is thinking of the career change.

He is interested in consulting business; even though he never has done such job.
He is actually at my age…without consulting experince previously… that is tough deal?
Will see.

Purpose of meeting is not only of hanging around with friends but also reviewing the achievement to see what can be next step in his career.
Maybe he is also in uneasy position… about future.
Like me who is feeling very unsecured?

Wait. He is at my age… everybody does have to go through this kind of phase???
Is that so-called "mid-life crisis?" This is the beginning?
Hmm, do not know. Hahaha.

Trouble? Annoying Myself...

Feel alone? Not really.
Though, I am not sure how to deal with myself… like I am totally lost.
Maybe because it is just between projects, I guess.

On track? Off the track? Totally uncertain.

I joined an evening session with coworkers… some work and some socialization.
I hanged around with some people…talked for a while.
Though, I am not sure what I was doing… nothing meaningful.

I have communication problem?
I talked too much?
I totally lost the feeling of being "balanced" in socialization. Not sure how others would feel while talking to me.

Oh boy, I am quite lost.

This must be the influence from overall work status.
Nothing really goes well yet and I am making every possible effort to make it happen to move on.
I still cannot figure out the way to go… yet. Lots of showstoppers… one after another.

Maybe I should have drunk much more during the session. I need booze! Hahaha.

Much frastration… being accumulated.

De javu??? Happened again. Oh boy!

Cursed? Blessed?

Long day finished with good drinking.
Though, started with error like this:

I was definitely cursed because i didn't type anything on this computer.
Rather, I was away from it. I was typing something on iPad, instead.
Why happened?

I do not get surprised if hapened while typing something.
I bet that some application was running in background and crushed. Oh boy, not my fault.
Got to be cursed by something.

LIke movie "GHOST" - hahaha.

Had to spend time in line for lunch. MoonFlower wanted to get some taste out of this particular shop.
Yeah, it is bagel shop called "123 Bagel."
NOT even 1st time. Though, there is always a line for great yummy bagel.

Took me about 20-25 minutes to place my order.
At least I secure the domestic peace because I completed errands as favor to MF.
You know what I mean.

Had 2 teleconference in late afternoon.
While attending, my iPhone showed short message from an old friend.
It was Kirk. I hadn'd seen him for over a year.

We got together in Kyobashi area and went to eat YAKITON as shown above.
Not YAKITORI, folks.
-TORI is chikecn and -TON is pork.

Never ever checked out this place before. Pretty darn good!!!
Good foods at low price. Oh boy, my ideal destination EVER!!!
Kirk certainly does know how to spend money for good drinking.

Bitter start at work finished very positive feeling after good drinks! Hahaha.
Thank you, Kirk!

Move "7 Meetings"

Came to see a movie.. still 2nd movie in this year… at very slow pace.
"7 Meetings" - the title of th movie.
Famous non-fiction writer's movie / entertainment.

It was about a large company's scandal.
Top management forced the operation to utilize the parts which never met required specification.
Yep, everything was for profit… producing parts at cheap cost.

That part is used in aircraft and railroad… risking milions of passengers to the accident that the part may fail to function.

Internation discussion was interesting, shedding light on the confclit of personnel relationship. Very complicated.
Too much issue from KPI management, etc.
Quality, cost, and profit… oh boy, we can talk about it endlessly, huh!

Fun movie, it was.