Taking young consultant to the dinner

Happened to be vivid fashion for the day… happened to be?
I just picked up this necktie today.
How did it suit on me? How's coordination?

Blue suit is from Paul Smith.
Necktie is a Pucci.
Not bad, huh? This "cool" look should be for summer? What is your opinion?

Had to take one of colleagues to the dinner tonight.
He was part of the project team until today.
Now he departs to a new one.

He has learned quite bit during the project.
Some done well and some other not so well done.
Hope he takes this lesson learned to contribute more effectively.

It was fun talking to youngster like him and I learned his way of thinking.
I wish that I should have had this change much earlier…
Things can be different to him and he could learn even more.

We went to very smoky place since eating "Yakiton" showned in the picture above.
MoonFlower complained that my suits and other clothes stink… oh boy!

Sense of Urgency

Things got started with bad news today.
Then, I encountered another one. Why? Something wrong.

At least the project that I participate for now is going okay. That is minimum to keep my life going.

I then rushed to a site for seminar without having lunch. Still busy, somehow.

It was large one… more than 500 people in audience.
That is because of the seminar topic and of the organization running this event.

This opportunity certainly set a sense of urgency to myself… HUGE!

Made me feel like that I could do more and my team should do more…
Out there, there are lots of initiatives and activities going on for experiment to see what service can be realized, etc.
Oh boy, I hardly keep up with such trend and I should do more… that is what I mean.

I do not want to stay behind…
Should be ahead of the "GAME." Definitely, need to.

Bad news in the morning and shock in the afternoon.
Overall, things need to be re-directed and I should support / lead the move.
This is top priority and there is no room for compromise.

Oh boy, time is ticking…

Yokohama China Town

Not sightseeing. Strictly, business. Business only.

Came and spent time around China Town in Yokohama.
Did you know there is big on in Yokohama… ever?

Meeting was somewhat managed.
Followed business dinner. Those we faced had big capacity of alcohol.
I may have tough time to deal with them from now on… oh boy!

Will see how this relationship take us to new place or not.

Consulting career design

Came home after the date changed. Late night.
1st day of the week lasted quite long. Actually, started early.
I had 1st meeting at 9am.

Last meeting was done by 8:30pm.

Between them, I had 4 meetings. Total 6 meetings for the day.

Man, that number of meetings counted up to 6 hours or so… almost entire business hours.
Tried to create some material in PowerPoint between meetings. Tough to manage, though.
I ended up drew just outline and the highlight for the meeting. Was good enough then.

Somehow I have TOO MANY meetings more than my capacity… I guess.
Plus, topics are totally different from each other and I have to catch up.
I got a phone call from a Partner and he asked me to join another pursue team starting from Friday.

Oh boy, even MORE.

Came home around midnight since I had casual talk to a Partner. Different one from above.
Main topic was not of business.
Not even hobby or lifestyle or anything. It was about my career.

"How do you wanna end your career as?"

That is a simple but tough-to-answer question.
It means whether I want to advance my career toward Partner or not within the consulting firm.
That is of course risk entailing path. Not easy at all.

Tonight's entire conversation with him did cover lots of things with such perspective.

Conclusion? Hmm.

I guess, it is obvious that I come to the turning point determining how to deal with career for my life at some point.
Maybe 2020 is an important year?
Will see.

Very long day and deep night.

STEAK party with youngstars

Seeking conversation? Seeking gossip? Seeking energy?
It was fun night with colleagues.
Actually, they are some of project members currently I engage.

Look at this huge chunk of meat!!!
This is something I haven't had this for a quite long time.
The restaurant was always busy and crowded… just not tonight somehow.

So timing was good and I came to a good dinner with colleagues.

Someone is really annoying?

Hello- weekend is now coming up and I finished the most of work which needs to be done before then.
Of course, I still got things to do for tomorrow. Though, things is in control. Good stuff.
Some unexpected things did occur during this business day… but they are okay… except one.

I received an inquiry email message from coworker…
He asking me some business term in English to be translated.
That was a piece of cake. Didn't even take a second.

Though, that chain of email became a little bit annoying thereafter.

One follow who was cc'd in that email responds without having right knowledge.
That is okay… that is not what I am talking about.
This fellow replies without to whom he is addressing.

Email circulates among several people… I know most of them.. Actually all of them except that fellow.
He is lowest ranked within this circumstance. All others including myself are still speriior to him.
At least, from business manner perspective, he should be more careful.

Being out of clue and being a little annoying on top… that is difficult to deal with.
For me, this is definitely "PASS."
I won't be part of that unless I am specifically asked to.

I wish that someone (that Partner) is to share such concern or "2 cents" with him so that he doesn't make any coworker feel annoyed. Rather he should inducing others to want to work with him. I guess, his perspective isn't that around or realistic yet.

Wait. Am not talking about entry level employee… oh boy!

Work 2019 is to begin...

1st working day in 2019… finally here…
Didn't go to the office but to the project site… and had to face:

Piles of paper work!!! OMG!
I had to deal with them for today… had to finish them all within today. Rough and tough day to deal… as 1st day for 2019.
That may depict how crazy the year 2019 is going to be? Oh god…

Only good stuff for the day is of supper:

Yay, this is great IKURA or salmon roe… MoonFlower and I love them all. Great food…

That clears all rough feeling from the work. Hahaha.