Cleaning and Selling

Busy going errands for the day?
Got haircut done first.
Stylist guy cut my hair quite short… even though it is not that warm yet. Oh boy!

He always asks me if he can cut very short since his recommendation is that I should have short hair which he believes suits myself.
Well, I do not mind either way. Short or mildly short. Hahaha.
Entirely up to him. Thus, I let him do as he likes.

Yep, quite short.

Went on to Tiffany's for not shopping but maintenance.

I wanted to get my money clip take shine back. It did!
Free of charge as Tiffany's service for indefinite.
Pretty cool.

Since I am using thin wallet, this money clip is not in use at all. Maybe near future? Will see.

Went on to Shinjuku Area for selling my precious fountain pen collection.
Well, I sold one today.
It was Pelikan M400 with gold plate.

Came out with estimate which was more than expected. Not bad… I can even buy brand new G-shock watch with them.
Not bad…
All money from this fountain pen is going to be saved up for next watch. Maybe.

Cleaning Tiffany's and Selling Pelikan were something I wanted to get done for long time.
Finally, they are DONE. Thank God.
Now, March is coming to an end… April is up.

2019 Health Check Results

Happy Friday, folks!
Recent health check result is just in.
I just went through.

Everything seems fine and only minor stuff that I should concern for now.
Like everyone else? I have to watch out my weight.
Not really over-weight yet. However, metabolic syndrome is possible pain in future.

Somehow without noticing by myself, my weight went up... from 71.9k to 74.2k.
2.3k or 5lbs… more from previous year.
Is that really big deal? Not so sure. However, yes, I will try to lose some.

Brain MRI result is also attached.
Authentic images of my head are included. Oh boy!

No finding and everything is fine. Oh good!
I recently notice and mind how easily I forget things…
According to the report, brain shrinkage is not observed.

Forgetting things , easily, is not coming out of some serious brain issue then. Hahaha.
Must be something else.
Maybe it is the fact that I am getting older.

Serious Guess for Coming-up Baseball Season

Thursday is done.
Well, only one working day left for March.
In Japan calendar, March is often end of fiscal or academic year.

Thus, next day is going to be quite busy for many people in Japan except me!

Still I am between projects. Not busy at all and all freedom is mine for now.
Had a client meeting in this afternoon and seems to be moving forward to realize another project.
That is not that bad sign.

After work, I went out to pick up something:

At Barney's New York.
Finally, my winter coat is new and replaced.
Too late to this winter… but surely for next.

Cannot wait… tomorrow when new ball season is to open.

Here is my guess for the race:

1. Hiroshima Carp
2. Tokyo Giants
3. Yokohama DeNA Baystars
4. Osaka Hanshin Tigers
5. Nagoya Chunichi Dragons
6. Tokyo Yakult Swallows

I want to support Dragons more than that above guess.
Though, doesn't look too good. Unlikely.
I will watch the season-opening game on TV tomorrow for sure.

Nomad Worker - Rearrangment

End of Wednesday… two more days to go.
Things didn't work well, easily, and I have to suck it all up until when things get right for me.
I shouldn't complain too much. At least for now.

Maybe I should take a big booze for relaxation.

Instead of booze, I had coffee more than enough for the day.
Found another place where I can stay for work.
Yeah, called NOMAD, right?

Cafe called "KIKKA." It is hostel lounge. Actually, cafe and bar.

I can come this place more often weekday or weekend… That is not that bad idea.

I said, Bar… this place does serve booze and food as well. Perfect, huh!
Maybe, it is missing some sweets?

As you may know, I use iPad Pro for work. Not corporate one.
Someone like me as peon cannot get such luxury. I have to pay for such.
Since it is time between projects, I should utilize this time effectively.

Rearrange the iPad apps.
I take all memo into called "Penultimate" because it gets sync with Evernote.
I can look at note anywhere with other Apple devices even when I do not hold iPad with myself.


Though, I had some frustration with this all.
It is pretty darn old app and hasn't come up with update for a long time. Say, more than several years.
Features and functions are, I guess, old and I get easily frustrated when using.

Thus, made a decision. I dumped that app today.
Instead, I started using different app called "GoodNotes." I guess, that app is best seller in Japan for hand-writing note app.
Man, that is amazing. Lots of neat functions that I can use.


Now, I can tell that I definitely enjoy taking notes on iPad!!!
Only complaint out of it is that there is no sync feature with Evernote. That is only missing.
Otherwise, it is perfect.

Nomad worker even spent time to rearrange the work to make it even better environment!!!
Good deal.
Worked effectively? Well, I wish things are more instantly working out for me… things are still unfavorable.

Need a good news on job! Hahaha.

Bought it on spec

Very cheap and quite unque watch I just bought.
Did not plan to. So instantly… I bought it on spec. Hahaha.
Not prestigeous brand at all… Rather, fashion watch.

Called "Future Funk" - funky brand, huh!

Crazy dial. Very analogue. I love it. Cool on my wrist when wearing suit.
Such unmatched and uncoordinated is quite stand-out.

Leave me alone, will you! Hahaha.

SInce I cannot afford any of watches from luxury brands, I had to stick with something reasonable and fun like this.
Got it?

Big Shopping under Rain

Rainy weather changed our agenda for the day… but one thing never got changed.
It is a shopping at outlet shopping mall.
MoonFlower and I hadn't checked this place out for almost year.

We used to come once a while until last time. I do not know why.

Then, my shopping mood from yesterday did get carried over… and I bought even more.
Just about timing?

New pair of suits from Paul Smith. Also, neck warmer / scarf from the same brand.

This weekend became big shopping time.
I spent more than my monthly allowance.
From tomorrow on, only instand foods are my compnay. Hahaha.

New Coat for Next Winter!

There is only one unique person like me… who buys winter coat at the end of winter… precisely in March!
I did it.

Bought an Italian design brand called HERNO. Shop kept this grey one for me over week and I decided to take it.
FInally, I got new coat for myself… after how many years?
I used to put on Tsumori Chisato zip-up jacket for years… now I may look a little bit dressy with this!

Late dinner was Mexican food! Wow, love it.

Tomorrow, I may even buy more… for myself.

Finally Got Seats after 4 times of Challenge