Old Friends Gathering 2019

Once again… this year's party among SFLS friends.
Fun festivity took place from 2pm for long hours.
It was more than fun.

2019SFLS忘年会 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Man, too much drinks!!!


Countdown Already?

Indeed year-end and everyone gets busy to be ready for new year.
Includes myself.
Since MoonFlower was out for all day long, I am free to do anything.

I could rest and do nothing home; however, did at least one thing.
After drop-off at local dry cleaner, I drove on westbound.
Not far drive at all, though. I showed up to a cemetery.

ex-Boss Miura-san's place where at least his soul is.

One fewer year-end festivities I have because he is no longer around.
Decided to stop by and give thanks to him there.

Too bad that he is no longer around.
Too bad that our place for drinks is no longer there. Closed back in August for good.
Time does pass by and time to move on.

2020 is coming… soon.

Tea Party over Weekend

Gathering with old project members at the hold for afternoon tea today.

It was at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo. Lounge on 38th floor.
It was rather cloudy and the view was quite subtle. I wish it were beautiful sunny day.
Two ladies were my companies over the tea and they were happy to see this view.

Tons of food served as afternoon tea set.
Those ladies were fed at fast-paced.
I hardly caught up with them. Rather, I was talking.

Great to see those ladies whom I worked with long time ago.
It was 2016. Had a great fun and great result in project with them.
Since them, we see each other once a while… several times a year.

One of them got married and gave a birth this year.
The other is almost settling for new family.
Things are certainly moving. Great to see such life development.

Got Merry Christmas gift. Full of sweets within the bag.
Tea party was fun even without alcohol beverage.

Maybe new year party, also? Will see.

Year-end Party Season

Come to another Chinese dishes…
Actually, lunch and dinner… both of them.

Did I go to China Town for Chinese meal this week?

What really made me stuck to that particular cuisine? How come?

Lunch with young colleague who came me without appointment.

Planned dinner with colleagues from old project was fun.
Total 6 members showed up for year-end party.
Great catch-up with them whom we worked together back in 2016-2017.

Too much Chinese means that I certainly gained?
Oh boy.
I should watch out…

Cursed? Blessed?

Long day finished with good drinking.
Though, started with error like this:

I was definitely cursed because i didn't type anything on this computer.
Rather, I was away from it. I was typing something on iPad, instead.
Why happened?

I do not get surprised if hapened while typing something.
I bet that some application was running in background and crushed. Oh boy, not my fault.
Got to be cursed by something.

LIke movie "GHOST" - hahaha.

Had to spend time in line for lunch. MoonFlower wanted to get some taste out of this particular shop.
Yeah, it is bagel shop called "123 Bagel."
NOT even 1st time. Though, there is always a line for great yummy bagel.

Took me about 20-25 minutes to place my order.
At least I secure the domestic peace because I completed errands as favor to MF.
You know what I mean.

Had 2 teleconference in late afternoon.
While attending, my iPhone showed short message from an old friend.
It was Kirk. I hadn'd seen him for over a year.

We got together in Kyobashi area and went to eat YAKITON as shown above.
Not YAKITORI, folks.
-TORI is chikecn and -TON is pork.

Never ever checked out this place before. Pretty darn good!!!
Good foods at low price. Oh boy, my ideal destination EVER!!!
Kirk certainly does know how to spend money for good drinking.

Bitter start at work finished very positive feeling after good drinks! Hahaha.
Thank you, Kirk!