Old Friends Gathering 2019

Once again… this year's party among SFLS friends.
Fun festivity took place from 2pm for long hours.
It was more than fun.

2019SFLS忘年会 #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Man, too much drinks!!!


Theater Play "Dr. Wind"

Theater play, "Dr. Wind" was my after-work entertainment today.

Actors are all famous seen in TV programs and movies, etc.
Always great to see acting live.
Very dynamic and moving with how they acted.

Seat assignment was also good… not too far from the stage.
I can obviously see one of young actor doing the play with sweat on his face.
Man, that is very "LIVE."

Spitz Concert "MIKKE" at Yokohama Arena

Rushed into my dealer for 6-month free inspection.
Of course, my car is still in good condition.
Just check up and see if any would go wrong. Thing is pretty good.

Had a chance to drive GLA for a while today.
It was compact SUV type vehicle and easy to drive.
Would be perfect if you drive only in city.

Though, there is a weak point in that car. Interior was rather cheap.
Luxury status lacks because of the interior feature and design.

Took a ride on Shinkansen for fairly short distance.
From Tokyo to Sihn Yokohama… for a matter of 15 minutes or so.
Had to go in to this:

It was a band called "Spitz" and tour named "MIKKE."
Concert was great. MoonFlower and I enjoyed the show as much.
Cool night it was.

Tea Party over Weekend

Gathering with old project members at the hold for afternoon tea today.

It was at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo. Lounge on 38th floor.
It was rather cloudy and the view was quite subtle. I wish it were beautiful sunny day.
Two ladies were my companies over the tea and they were happy to see this view.

Tons of food served as afternoon tea set.
Those ladies were fed at fast-paced.
I hardly caught up with them. Rather, I was talking.

Great to see those ladies whom I worked with long time ago.
It was 2016. Had a great fun and great result in project with them.
Since them, we see each other once a while… several times a year.

One of them got married and gave a birth this year.
The other is almost settling for new family.
Things are certainly moving. Great to see such life development.

Got Merry Christmas gift. Full of sweets within the bag.
Tea party was fun even without alcohol beverage.

Maybe new year party, also? Will see.

Year-end Party Season

Come to another Chinese dishes…
Actually, lunch and dinner… both of them.

Did I go to China Town for Chinese meal this week?

What really made me stuck to that particular cuisine? How come?

Lunch with young colleague who came me without appointment.

Planned dinner with colleagues from old project was fun.
Total 6 members showed up for year-end party.
Great catch-up with them whom we worked together back in 2016-2017.

Too much Chinese means that I certainly gained?
Oh boy.
I should watch out…

Kamakura Trip

Short trip to Kamakura.
About 1 hour train trip to get there.
Lots of people do go there for tourism.

Maybe we joined such crowd for the same reason…
Maybe not.
MoonFlower had SPECIFIC objective to be there.

Her reason was of Teppei Ono - pottery artist opened time-limited exhibition in Kamakura from today.
MoonFlower loves his pottery and we use his artistic products like plate and rice bowl, etc.
We came to pick up further more for our (her?) collection.

Our journey extended to next destination within Kamakura.
Walked for 20 minutes or so to get MF's appointed bakery.
She found this place in Instagram.

Doesn't look like bakery or any kind of store. Just merely ordinary resident.
Though, it was certainly organic and hand-made bakery.

Then, we come to a good dish for late lunch.
Picked to go to one of most popular restaurant in the area.
Had to wait over an hour or so to get our seats for food.

It was curry rice.

Man, one-hour waiting was definitely worth and came to a GREAT food.
For this, I do not mind to spend half day to come here. Indeed.

Shopping and dining… pretty good time in Kamakura.
1st day of last month for 2019 was quite short.
Will see how the rest of month would go for me.

Two interesting places in one night

Happened to drink two nights in a row.
Tonight, I was with some insider from a particular industry.
I have met that person over the project a long time ago.

Back in May, I had 1st private dining with him. It was a pretty good getting-to-know-each-other.
Today it was 2nd night with him.
During the conversation in May night, we talked about nostalgic places for drinks.

Following that conversation, we showed up in Kayabacho.

Place called "New Kayaba" - entrance doesn't seem to be normal for a place to drink.
Looks rather like just garage.
Maybe that is the concept.

Atmosphere was absolutely old time like Showa-era.
Even smoking inside is allowed. You can see how "smoky" it was inside…
Sake-serving vending machine was also interesting. In fact, I haven't seen such for very long time.

Then moved on to 2nd place.
It was liquor store with bar counter.
You can buy bottle and drink it inside.

My company and I looked around for the bottle of night.
He had more knowledge of wine than I did and I decided to follow him.
He selected 3rd gran cru wine for ourselves.

Chateau Lagrange 2015

Good choice it was. That would be super expensive wine if this were ordinary dining in the restaurant.
This is darn great place to taste solely wine!
Foods are still provided with certain variety, though.

He and I had good common interest in car, jazz, wine, what else…
Great to have such chance coming familiar with someone like him.
On top of all, he is a industry expert and can provide lots of insights. That is another great value.

Long night with full of drinks made me feel truly short. Great fun.

Hakone Ekiden

MoonFlower and I went out to cheer up athletes in the event called Hakone Ekiden

Ekiden is… here we go:

Ekidens are long-distance road relays. The distance and the number of runners vary according to each competition. In many races, including the Hakone Ekiden, each runner covers about 20 kilometers, roughly the distance of a half-marathon. Instead of a baton, a tasuki (sash) is handed from one runner to the next. Hakone Ekiden is undoubtedly the most well-known of all the ekiden races held in Japan. The first ever Hakone Ekiden dates back to 1920, and except for a few years during and after the war, it has taken place during the New Year holidays ever since.

Very unique sport, I guess.

Near the goal, we saw 1st and 2nd place runners.

20190103 箱根駅伝 青山学院大学(2位) #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

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Gadget works, huh! It was fun to cheer up and use such digital gadget for enriching this blog content… hahaha.

No more special traditional foods from New Year… Now back to normal.

Though, after-meal sweets are still Japanese style. Called "DAIFUKU."

Pretty fun today.