Ogaki Visit - Last Time in 2019

One last thing to do for 2019 is visiting my mother in Ogaki.
Taking Shikansen for Gifu Hashima.
Tokyo Station was quite crowded like a hell and everyone was eager to get train for getting out of Tokyo.

Train ride was of almost 3 hours.
I was glued to the business program on iPad…
Didn't even feel it was a long traveling time at all.

In-train lunch was another part of fun and I selected simple one.
During the day before, ate too much and I was quite full all day long then.
Today, had to go home half empty stomach to be ready to make full.

Gifu Hashima Station where my mother drove up for pick-up.

Then, great home-made food continues.
Dessert was my gift from Tokyo.
Lots of talk and laughs through the night. Lots of energy consumed then. Not calories, though. Hahaha.